Dog tags - Bucky mini imagine

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Summary: Bucky gives the reader his dog tags 

Warnings: none 

I was sitting on the couch when I heard the sound of the front door of Bucky and I's apartment opening. I instantly knew it was Bucky because he had been on a mission for the past few days and he's the only other person who has a key to the apartment. I launch out of my seat to race to the front door to wrap him in a hug, it was only a 3 day mission but I sure missed him. "Bucky!" I say as I jump into his arms. I caught him by surprise but he still caught me and held me as tight as he could with our squeezing me to death. I bury my head in his neck and mumble a quick "I missed you Buck" that I wasn't even sure he was able to hear until I hear him chuckle slightly before replying with a simple "I missed you too doll" as he placed a kiss of my temple. 

I let go of Bucky to allow him to clean up from his mission and to get into some more comfy clothes. I sat on the couch as I eagerly awaited on him to return from our bedroom to tell me all about the mission, even if it was just a quick HYDRA raid. Eventually he came back from his bedroom and I noticed he was holding something shiny in his hands that was making some sort of noise as he walked. "What do you have there Buck?" I ask as he comes to sit next to me. He doesn't say anything but instead he placed the item over my head finally allowing me to see what the item was... his dog tags. "Wait buck are these your tags?" I ask slightly shocked that he gave these to me "yea they are doll. On the mission I realized how much I wanted you to have these. Especially for when I'm away on missions. It gives you something to hold on to until I can be there." He says sincerely as he grabs and kisses my hand. I don't say anything instead deciding to kiss him instead. 

The two of us spend the rest of the night just staying in each other's arms. Though his missions usually aren't very long they always make the two of us realize how much we need each other. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I remembered how I wrote in my last preference about how Bucky gave the reader his dog tags so I decided to write a little imagine about it. Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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