Please eat - Stucky

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Summary: The team notices the reader hasn't eaten all day because she don't have an appetite from anxiety making Steve and Bucky worried when they come back from a mission. (don't worry it has a nice fluffy ending)

(A/N) This has some POV switches (Which I've never done before) so keep an eye out for that.


My boys are out on a mission and have been for the past few days. Every time they go away for a mission and I can't go with it makes me incredibly anxious because I get worried that something bad will happen to them. Every time I get really anxious like this I have a tenancy to not really eat anything until I'm not anxious anymore. 

They left for the mission on Thursday and it was Sunday now and I had only really eaten a few bites of food. I think the team is getting worried because I haven't really come out of Steve, Bucky and I's shared bedroom much except for training and meetings with Fury. They had all tried to get me to come out of my room and eat with everyone in all sorts of ways. Wanda and Vision left me a lovely note telling me that if I needed to talk to someone they were always open. Nat tried to talk to me about it at training yesterday but I just said that I was fine and that I had been sneaking down to the kitchen at night (I hadn't). Sam and Tony have threatened to call Steve and Buck and tell them what's going on, and everyone else has just come by our room and knocked on the door a few times. 

Not eating when I'm anxious was a nasty habit that I developed when I first started getting anxiety. For some reason when I'm anxious the thought of food makes me feel so sick. I hadn't told anyone about this nasty habit but I have a feeling that Steve and Bucky knew, or at least had an idea. The reason I think that is because every time I'm anxious and they're home they make some of my comfort foods and they make sure I eat at least a few bites. I was seated on my bed just staring off into space and just thinking of what I was gonna do with my boys when they came home.


Steve and I have finally finished the mission we were sent on and are ready to be back with our girl. We miss her bunches while we are gone and she knows that. Steve and I step off the jet and walk into the common area of the tower. "Hey guys, we're back" Steve says walking into the kitchen. We expected to see (Y/N) at the table with them but she was no where to be seen. "Where's (Y/N)?" I ask "Actually we wanted to talk to you about her" Natasha says making my heart pound "Did something happen to her? Is she ok? Where is she?" Steve and I start asking in a panic "Calm down soldiers. She's in your room but we need to talk to you two before we call her in" Sam says making Steve and I calm down slightly. "What's going on" Steve asks. "Well while the two of you were gone she didn't eat. She didn't come down for meals. Hell she barely came out of your room. We only saw her at training and at meetings with Fury." Tony says "What do you mean she didn't eat?" I ask "She didn't come down for any meals while the two of you were gone. We would bring food up to her but she wouldn't touch it, or if she did it was only a few bites." Natasha says. Steve and I echange a look of concern and confusion before Steve speaks up "Ok, lets call her down." he says. Tony nods before calling to J.A.R.V.I.S "Hey J, Call (Y/L/N) down to the dining room and tell her we need to talk to her please " "Right away sir" the AI responds. The two of us just continue to talk with the team waiting for her to come down. 


"Ms (Y/N) your presence is requested in the dining area" J.A.R.V.I.S says ripping me from my thoughts "Did they say why?" I ask the AI. "They said they need to have a conversation with you Ms (Y/N)." The AI replied. "Ok tell them I'll be right down J" What I didn't know was that my boys were home and the whole team had told them about my lack of eating while they were gone.

As I walked down the hall leading to the kitchen, dining and living room I heard two familiar voices but I thought it was too good to be true but when I walked into the dining room I saw my two super soldiers sanding talking with the rest of the team. "Steve!! Bucky!!" I yell before running into their arms. Both of them wrapped me in big hugs and gave me passionate kisses on the lips before letting me go. Both of their faces changed from a look of joy to a look of concern before Steve decided to speak up "Sweetheart I think all of us need to sit down and have a little talk." he says. Bucky and the rest of the team nod agreeing with his statement. My facial expression contorts to one of confusion before saying "Ok" and sitting down at the table in between Steve and Bucky with the rest of the team surrounding the rest of the table.

"So whats up?" I ask "Doll the team says you didn't eat anything while we were gone and that you barely came out of our room" Bucky says  "Yeah, what's up with that sweetheart?" Steve asks. Immediately I look down at my lap and start playing with my fingers in my lap. "Doll" Bucky says before putting two fingers under my chin lifting my gaze to meet his "What's goin on. We can't help if you don't tell us" he says. I take a deep inhale "when you two leave it makes me anxious and when I'm anxious I can't eat. Any thought of food makes me physically feel sick." I say looking back down at my fingers laying in my lap. "Us leaving makes you anxious sweetheart?" Steve asks I mumble a quick "Mhm" and give a little nod still not looking up at anyone. "Can you tell us why doll?" Bucky asks sweeping a few strands of hair out of my face. Tears brim at my eyes as I say "because what if something happens, what if the two of you go and don't come back."  I look up at Bucky allowing him to see the tears growing in my eyes "ohhh baby doll don't cry. come here" he says picking me up and placing me in his lap allowing me to bury my face into his chest. "I'm sorry that us doing missions makes you anxious honey" Steve says rubbing my back. 

"Do you think you can try and eat for us? Please?" I hear the both of them say. I give a small nod before hearing Steve get up to make me a plate of what ever food had been cooked for dinner tonight. Steve comes back to the table with a plate containing a small portion of spaghetti and meatballs. Bucky grabs the fork as Steve goes to get a napkin and gets some spaghetti on it and brings it up to my mouth feeding me like as if I was a little kid, I happily accept the gesture though. I was able to eat almost the whole plate of food with Bucky feeding it to me and Steve whispering gentle praises in my ears like "Good girl" and "We're so proud of you". Eventually I couldn't eat anymore and they were okay with that. Steve cleaned up as Bucky placed me on his hip and carried me up to our shared bedroom. He helped me change into one of his hoodies and got me comfy in our bed before getting in a quick shower to wash off all of the dirt from the mission. 

I don't remember him coming to bed or Steve because I must have fallen asleep but the next morning I woke up snuggled between the two of the with both of them having an arm gently laying across my waist.  

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this. I won't be able to write tomorrow so I'm going to write two or three long ones today to make up for it! Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can 

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