Haunted maze - Stucky

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Summary: the reader and her boyfriends do a haunted maze 

Warnings: none  

(Y/F/R) = your favorite restaurant 

(Y/F/F) = your favorite food 

As something fun to do today my boyfriends decided we should do a haunted maze in the spirit of Halloween which was rapidly approaching. Halloween being my favorite Holliday and wanting to spend a little extra time with my boys I agreed not knowing exactly what I had signed myself up for. The maze opened at 7:00 and it currently was 4:30, all 3 of us were cuddling on the couch when Bucky spoke up "hey what if we went out to dinner before going to the maze"  he asked. "Yeah buck that sounds like a great idea, what do you think honey?" Steve said before looking down at where I was seated.

 "Ok I'm down but where are we gonna go?" I ask waiting to hear a response from either of them I think of a few places we could eat. "I don't know why don't you choose (Y/N)" Bucky says making Steve nod in agreement. "Ok how about (Y/F/R)?" I ask hopping they both agree and say yes "sure doll if that's what you want" Bucky says looking at Steve waiting for his response "sure I'm in" Steve says. Soon all three of us got up and got ready to go eat at (Y/F/R). 

We just finished eating at (Y/F/R) and I had (Y/F/F) like usual. Now all three of us were loaded back in the car to go drive around for a little bit before heading to where ever the maze is. Steve was driving and Bucky called shotgun leaving me to sit in the back. Bucky snaked his hand through the gap between his seat and the car door so he could hold my hand so I didn't feel totally left out by sitting in the back by myself. 

For a while we just drove around talking to each other or just sitting in a comfortable silence. But soon it was 6:30 and we had to turn around and go to where ever the maze was located. It turned out it was closer to us then we thought it was so it only took about 10 minutes to drive there so we were pretty early. Bucky ended up getting out of the car and buying the tickets early that way we wouldn't have to stand in a long line waiting to get them. 

Soon enough it was 7:00 and the maze had opened. We got out of the car and I grabbed both of their hands. It was nice to be able to just walk right in instead of waiting in the huge lines that had formed. Once we got in we were handed a map  by an actor dressed as a scarecrow before being guided by another actor dressed as a zombie to the entrance. The entrance made it look as if we were walking into a haunted house or something but in all reality it was just a normal corn maze. 

After we had entered the maze I noticed multiple people screaming and the sounds of a hopefully fake chainsaw. As we walked closer and closer to the chain saw noise I saw some sort of shadow hidden behind the next rows of corn. Even though I saw it coming I was still absolutely terrified when someone jumped out at us covered in fake blood with a fake but very realistic looking chainsaw. I immediately jumped into the arms of who ever was closest to me which happened to be Steve " it's ok sweetheart" he said as he slowly let me go. We continued walking through and got jump scared by multiple more people, some of which were dressed as horror movie icons like Jack Torrence from The Shining, Pennywise from IT and Freddy Krueger from Nightmare On Elm Street and many more. 

There were many times through out the night where I was screaming and jumping into one of my boyfriends arms and every time they told me that I was ok and that they would always protect me. By the end of it I was practically glued to the both of them clinging on to both of their arms for dear life. Though it was scary I do have to admit that the haunted maze was fun and that I would definitely do it again... only if I had my boys with me though. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! We hit 1.5k last night!! Crazy! It's still weird to think that people actually read this book. Anyways I don't really have anything to say as an update today so yea that's it. Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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