You're okay - Stucky

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(A/N)!! I Highly recommend you go read my chapter How they react to you having emetophobia (Characters) before reading! Otherwise you may not understand this chapter!


Summary: Readers emetophobia is triggered while watching a movie with her boyfriends and they have to calm her down.

Warnings: Mentions of Throwing up and panic attacks 

Tonight my boyfriends and I were bored so we decided to watch a movie! It had been a long week and all three of us ended up being sent on different missions at the same time so this is the first time we've seen each other since the beginning of the week. 

"Did y'all pick out a movie yet?" I ask as I walked into the bedroom the three of us share in the tower. "Yep! We chose a movie called "Clouds" on that Disney+ thing you showed us!" Bucky said excitedly. I crawl up into our bed and sandwich myself between my two super soldiers as Steve asks if anyone needs the bathroom or to grab anything before he hits play on the movie. Bucky and I both shake our heads no and say that we had both already used the bathroom and grabbed the snacks for the three of us. Steve hits play as I snuggle further into them resting my head on Steves chest and tangling my legs with Buckys as we all settle in to watch the movie.

From what I've picked up so far it's a movie based on a true story about a teenage boy who has cancer and likes music. Soon things take a turn for the worse when right after a cute scene of the boy dancing and singing with his best friend it cuts to the same boy throwing up. This immediately triggers my emetophobia and I plug my ears and shut my eyes as Bucky and Steve rush to pause or turn off the movie. They both know how bad my emetophobia is as this isn't the first time this has happened because of a movie. Steve pauses the movie as Bucky moves me into his lap. He removes my hands from my ears and starts whispering sweet nothings in my ears as I try and stop my own hyperventilating. My chest feels tight as I try and gasp for a full intake of oxygen to try and stop my rapid breathing. Steve starts rubbing my back gently to try and help me while Bucky continues whispering sweet nothings and telling me that I'm okay and that I'm safe with them.

Eventually my breathing slows down and mostly evens out letting the both of them know that I'm calm again. Bucky moves the two of us from a sitting up position back to a laying down position keeping me cuddled to his chest as Steve reaches for the remote again, exiting out of the movie we were watching and looking for something else to put on before cuddling into Bucky and I. Soon the three of us are all cuddled together in one big pile as Steve turns on Winnie The Pooh. A calming little cartoon that we know won't trigger anything again. 

Soon I fall into a peaceful sleep cuddled by my two super soldiers knowing that they would forever keep me safe. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Sorry this one ended up being so short! This idea popped into my head and I had to write it down before I forgot it completely! Thanks for reading!

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!  

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