Cozy morning - Chris

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Summary: You and Chris spend a morning cuddling in bed with Dodger

Warnings: None 

I was comfortably asleep cuddled into Chris's side when all of a sudden a large amount of weight came crashing into my chest "Dodge! You're gonna wake her up" I heard Chris say. I guess he was awake already, he was probably working on stuff for ASP. I'm guessing Dodger had decided that I looked comfortable and decided to lay on me. This wasn't too surprising because Dodger does that to Chris and I pretty often. "C'mon Dodge " I hear Chris trying to say quietly in an attempt to get Dodger off of me with out waking me up but he doesn't know I'm already awake. I open my eyes to see Chris silently trying to convince Dodger to get off of the bed. "I'm sorry honey did we wake you up" I hear Chris say once he noticed I was awake. "You didn't wake me up. Dodge woke me up when he decided to flop on top of me" I say slightly adjusting myself so I was laying more comfortably on Chris's chest. I feel Chris press a gentle kiss to the top of my head "I'm sorry honey, you can go back to sleep" Chris said as I feel him start to rub my back in an attempt to help me fall back asleep. I tried to protest but the way he was rubbing my back was so soothing that I did end up falling asleep again. 

I woke up again a couple hours later still cuddled into Chris's bare chest but this time he was watching something on the TV instead of working on ASP stuff. I groan slightly and move up a bit to press a sleepy kiss to the base of his neck. "Good morning" I say groggily. He looks down at me before chuckling lightly at me sleepy appearance "Good morning sweetheart. Did you get some more sleep?" he asks making me nod my head. "I think we should just spend the day in bed" I say trying to nuzzle further into his chest. "You've been so busy making sure everything for ASP is all set and you've also been busy with filming so why don't we just spend a day being lazy in bed" I add to my previous statement. "Sounds good to me" He says scooting himself down so he is mostly laying down. 

The two of us spent the day in bed cuddling and watching movies for the rest of the day only ever getting up to grab some food or use the bathroom. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! we hit 500 reads! Absolutely insane! Thank you! Also "Marvel...What If" Came out last night, have y'all seen it? I have and I loved it! Although I am sad that Chris isn't voicing Steve Rogers in the show we do get some more 40's Bucky AND Sebastian is voicing Bucky! What do y'all think of the show? 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can

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