Dizzy - Bucky

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Summary: The reader has been getting random moments of dizziness (or as I call them in the story 'dizzy spells')  and ends up getting one during the Avengers monthly fun day out and ends up passing out.

Warnings: None that I can think of other then 1 swear word

I've been getting these random moments of dizziness for a while. No one on the team except my boyfriend Bucky knows about them but I think the team is starting to get suspicious. It started with one every once in a while but now I'm getting a few every week. They come pretty randomly, I'll be just fine one minute and the next I feel like I'm about to pass out. They've only made me pass out once and luckily it was just Bucky in the room. After that he tried to convince me to tell the team but I said no because they would all start getting protective and would probably bench me from missions and limit my training until they find the cause of these dizzy  spells. He said that he's on the verge of doing the exact same thing so we both came to an agreement, if they get any worse or started getting any more frequent I would tell the team.   

For some reason I've had way more dizzy spells this week than usual. So far this week I've had 10 and it's only Thursday. Usually I only have between 2-6 spread out through the whole week. Bucky is getting really worried and I think the team is too. We're all getting ready for dinner and I can feel that I'm going to get a dizzy spell soon, probably within the next few minutes. I was grabbing a plate to get my food when it hit me, I placed my hands on the counter to help keep myself balanced. It feels like I'm on a boat that won't stop viciously rocking back and forth. "You okay over there (Y/L/N)? You're holding on to the counter with a death grip." I hear tony say making the rest of the team turn to see me. "Yeah doll are you ok?" I hear Bucky ask as I hear him walking up to me and putting his arm around me to help me balance. In all reality he knows whats happening but he also knows that I told him not to tell the team... at least not yet. "yeah yeah I'm fine" I say as the dizzy spell ends. I grab my plate and walk over to the stove where all the food is and I start to put some on my plate. I walk back to the table to see the rest of the team staring at me all of them having different looks of confusion and concern. "Guys I'm fine I promise" I say in an attempt to get them all to stop worrying. They all believe me and go back to what they were previously doing. 

After we finished dinner I was helping Steve and Sam clean up when Bucky walked over "Hey you guys mind if I borrow (Y/N) for a moment" He asks "Yea it's fine Buck. I was just about to tell her that she was all good and that Sam and I could finish up. Thanks for your help (Y/N)!" Steve says to Bucky and I. "No problem Steve!" I say before Bucky says "Thanks pal" Bucky says as he comes over reaching his hand out for me to take. I happily grab his hand in mine and follow his lead. He leads the both of us into our shared bedroom and motions for me to sit down on our bed. I do as he says and wait for him to speak. From the look on his face I have a feeling I already know what this discussion will be about. "Did you have another one of your spells at dinner doll?" he asks  I nod my head. "Doll I really think this is something we need to talk about with the team! They're worried, I'm worried. They're getting worse (Y/N)! You've already had- what 11 now this week?" He says in a quick but still understandable ramble 'I know Buck, I know. Our agreement was we would tell the team if they get worse and or more frequent and they've become both of those things... I guess we can say something about it now." I say "Ok lets do it now then" Bucky says grabbing my hand. "ok I'll have J.A.R.V.I.S call a team meeting" I say "Hey J? Please call for a team meeting in the main living room effective immediately" "Right away Ms (Y/L/N).

We walk into the main living room and see the whole team seated there waiting for us. "So what's this about (Y/L/N) and Barnes." Tony asks alerting everyone else that we were there. "Yea is everything ok? Is this about what happened at dinner?" Steve asks, his voice laced with concern. "yea, yea it is" Bucky says "You ready doll?" Bucky whispers in my ear knowing that I don't like having to do things like this. I nod my head before taking a deep breath. " What happened at dinner tonight is what I like to call a dizzy spell, I don't know if they have a proper name so that's what I've been calling them. I've been getting them for the past few months but didn't tell anyone because I didn't want people worrying. The only reason Bucky knows is because they've made me faint a few times and he was there one of the times when I've fainted. At first I was only getting a couple a month but now they're getting worse and more frequent, in the last week alone I've had 11. I don't know why they're happening." I say in a quick but still understandable ramble hoping to just get this discussion over with. The discussion continues with everyone asking questions and Steve and Bucky making me agree to see a doctor. Steve's been like an older brother to me since I joined the team so when things like this happen it tends to make him worry. 


 Like I expected the team has become much more protective of me. I can't do solo missions, I need to have someone in the gym with me when I train and if I feel even a little off I can't train at all.  Every month the whole team takes a day off and spends it doing something fun, today happened to be that day and we all decided to go to the beach. It's been a few days since my last dizzy spell and I'm hoping that means they're getting better so I can enjoy today. Tony found a private beach that he could rent out that way we wouldn't be surrounded by people or any paparazzi trying to get pictures of us. 

The private beach was a 30 minute drive away from the tower but that's fine. Tony rented a party bus for all of us to sit in so we would all fit comfortably. 15 minutes into the drive I started to feel off. I thought it might just be some brief car sickness so I just ignored it hoping that it would go away once I was out of the car and got some fresh air. Once we arrived I found out that I was very wrong. If anything the feeling got worse when I got out of the car. I tried to pretend like I was fine for everyone else, I didn't want them worrying on the day we're all supposed to be stress-free.

Everyone started getting their things laid out on the sand and that's when I knew this feeling I was feeling was an up coming dizzy spell. "Doll? You okay? You're looking a little pale over there." I hear Bucky say. As I turn my head to face him white and black dots start to cover my vision. Soon everything around me started to sound very muffled. I open my eyes to see everyone crowding around me. "What happened" I ask "Doll you passed out, did you feel that dizzy spell coming or was it a surprise one" Bucky asks "I think I felt it coming, I just ignored the feeling thought because I just thought it was car sickness" I was finally aware of my surroundings as I started becoming more awake.

 I remember passing out in the middle of the sand but now I was on a towel that was under a umbrella that was giving me some shade, and what I'm assuming is Buckys shirt was rolled up under my head to act like a pillow and there was some ice from the cooler in a zip lock bag laying on my forehead. I tried to stand up to show everyone that I was ok and that we could enjoy our fun day but Bucky gently held me back. "Ok (Y/N) Here's how things are going to go, You just scared the shit out of all of us and we din't want that to happen again. so everyone is going to take turns watching over you, that way everyone can still have fun and YOU can still have fun but you also have someone keeping an eye on you just in case you pass out again. Don't try and argue this (Y/L/N) I know you don't want to bother anyone or you don't wanna be a burden to anyone but everyone here has agreed to this." Tony says with the rest of the team backing up what he said saying things like "You're not a burden or a bother" and "It's ok (Y/N)" and stuff like that.

In the end we all ended up having a fun day at the beach and I ended up getting some 1 on 1 time with everyone which doesn't happen very often.    

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Here's a long one to make up for my shorter one from earlier and to also partially make up for my absence. Thanks for reading!   

Requests and Ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!   

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