Super soldiers don't get sick - Bucky

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Summary: Bucky gets a nasty bout of the flu and the reader has to take care of him.

Warnings: Mentions of flu sickness, mentions of showering together but not in a sexual manor. 

It was a normal Saturday morning and I was getting ready for my morning run with Bucky and Steve and Sam. I was mostly awake when I went to the common area to meet up with Steve, Sam and Bucky. When I arrived I only saw Steve and Sam there. "Morning boys" I said walking towards the couch they were both seated on. "Morning (Y/N)" Steve said "Mornin (Y/N/N)" Sam said. "Where's Buck?" I ask "I'm not sure, he hasn't shown up yet." Steve said. "Hmm that's odd. I'll go see if he's okay I said."

Bucky and I had been together secretly for about 8 months. We didn't tell anyone because Bucky was still adjusting to not being known as the winter soldier anymore and I didn't want to rush him. We were happy in our little secret relationship.

I got up from my place on the couch and walked over to the elevator "To Buckys room please J.A.R.V.I.S" I said as I entered the elevator "Right away Miss (Y/L/N)" J.A.R.V.I.S said as it started to take me up to Buckys room. The elevator stopped and I walked out and started making my way to Buckys room. 

I opened the door and walked in but didn't see Bucky anywhere. Suddenly I heard a groaning sound from his bathroom and noticed the door was wide open. "Buck?" I call out to be meet with another groan. I walk into the bathroom to see Bucky curled up next to the toilet. "Ohh Buck what happened?" I say as I walk closer being careful not to step in the puddle of sick I noticed on the floor. I get up to where he is and kneel down to his level placing a hand on his forehead to feel that he is burning. "I think you caught the flu Buck" I say starting to get up to get a cold wash rag for his forehead. Bucky groans at my statement "No, super soldiers don't get sick. I'm dying doll" he says. I laugh lightly at what he said "Don't laugh at me" He says pouting and crossing his arms over his chest "I'm sorry for laughing Buck. You're just funny when you're pouting" I say "And you're not dying Buck. You just have the flu for the first time in 70 or so years" I say slightly chuckling at the statement. That's definitely something I never thought I'd say. I grab the wash rag that I had run under some cold water until it was nice and cold and rang it out before carefully walking back to where Bucky was curled up on the floor. 

I wipe the sweat from his face and neck before placing the wash rag on his forehead. "J.A.R.V.I.S could you clean this up please" I ask motioning to the puddle of sick on the floor clearly showing that Bucky hadn't made it to the toilet in time at first. "Right away Miss (Y/L/N)" The AI replied. "Do you think you're done throwing up or do you think you could go lay in your bed" I ask kneeling down to his level "Mmmm back to bed" he says. I help him stand up before leading him to his bed. "Stay here, I'm going to go grab a few things. I'll be back in a few minutes" I say as I grab his trash can from the corner of his room and move it to the side of his bed just in case he needs it.   

I get into the elevator and instruct the AI to take me down to the common and kitchen area. "Where's Buck (Y/N)" Steve asked the second he saw me exit the elevator. "Shit Steve you scared me!" I say genuinely scared, I forgot that him and Sam were still waiting for us to go on our run. "Language" he said raising an eyebrow. "Bucky seems to have caught some sort of flu. He's convinced he's dying though" I say walking into the kitchen to get some water, ginger ale, crackers, chicken broth and some medicine for Bucky. "Is he okay?" Steve asks "Yea he'll be okay" I say putting all of the items on a table tray so I can carry it all up to him. "You two can go for the run. I'm going to stay back and take care of the "dying" super soldier up stairs" I say. The two of them nod their heads, Steve still looking at me  skeptically "Are you sure" Steve asks one more time "Yes Steve, we'll be okay I promise." I say as I get in the elevator "Have fun on your run!" I say as the elevator doors shut.

As I arrive to the floor Buckys room is on I hear the same groaning sound I heard the first time. I walk into his room to see him laying on his side clenching his eyes shut. "Ohh Buck" I say setting the tray down on the bedside table before crawling into the bed spooning him from behind. He turns around so he's facing me so I roll onto my back. He moves closer so he can place his head on my abdomen. I start playing with his hair. I place my hand on his forehead to see if his temperature has gone down at all only to find it it his gone up. He felt hotter then he did before "Aww Buck you're hot" "gee thanks doll" he mumbles into my chest " Not like that Buck. You're running a pretty good fever" I say petting his hair. "Do you want to take a cold shower? That will probably make you feel better" I say "Only if you join me" He says making me roll my eyes. He's still a flirt even when sick. 

I stand up making him whine and try and pull me back down to the bed "I'm going to start the shower Buck" I say making him groan again but allowing me out of his grip. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower and make sure it's a good temperature, not too cold but not very hot either. I walk back into the bedroom to grab some clothes for the both of us. grabbing a pair of gym shorts and a tank top for him and one of his large T-shirts for me. I walk over to the bed again to grab Buckys hands helping him to stand up. The both of us stand up and walk into the bathroom. Both of us undress and get into the shower. At first we just stand under the water but after a while Bucky asks if I could wash his hair for him. I say yes and grab his shampoo and start massaging it into his brunette locks. After washing out the shampoo the two of us get out of the shower and get dressed again.

After the two of us were dressed we crawled back into bed. Bucky decided to try and drink some of the ginger ale and chicken broth that I had brought up for him. Eventually we decided to lay back and watch a movie. We turned on Finding Nemo and just layed back and cuddled. Bucky ended up falling asleep with his head laying on my chest and the rest of his body cuddled into my side. I kissed his forehead and eventually I ended up falling asleep as well and didn't know until later but Steve and Sam came into the room to check on Bucky only to find the two of us cuddled up asleep in his bed. "I knew it! I knew they had something going on! You owe me 20 dollars old man!" Sam said after seeing Bucky and I cuddled together. Steve grabbed his leather wallet from his pocket and handed Sam a 20 dollar bill. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! This one ended up being way longer than I imagined but that's ok! Thanks for reading! We're so close to hitting 500 reads! Thank you! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!  

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