Pool party - Sebastian

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Summary: RDJ is hosting a pool party to celebrate the release of CA:CW. (the reader plays a character who is on team cap and is similar to Wanda called Everest black)

Warnings: None that I can think of. 

"(Y/N) cmon we're gonna be late!" I hear my boyfriend Sebastian yell from the front entryway of our home. "Coming Seb!" I say making sure my cover up looks okay before grabbing my bag and meeting Sebastian in the entryway. "Ready to go?" he asks before he presses a gentle kiss to my temple. I hum a quick "mhm" and grab his hand. The two of us walk out to our car and hop in.

We arrived to RDJ's house and were let in by his wife Susan "hey you two it's good to see you" she says as she quickly hugs both of us. "Hey Susan!" we both reply as we start some small talk with her. "Everyone else is out back, Robert being the over the top person he is hired a bartender and some chef's who will be making/walking around with food so feel free to help yourselves. Both of you know where the bathrooms and the kitchen are so go have fun. I gotta go call and check in on the kids but I'm sure I'll see you guys around" Susan says just before she walked off to somewhere else. Sebastian and I were just about to go find the door that lead to the pool when Chris Evans found us "Hey Seb! Hey (Y/N/N)!" he said wrapping us both in big hugs, in typical Chris style. We talked with Chris for a few moments before he showed us out to where the pool is. "(Y/L/N) and Stan have arrived!" he announced before jumping back in the pool. The rest of the cast was already there except for both Pauls and Jeremy who unfortunately couldn't make it. They all turned around to face us and greeted us in some way.

Sebastian and I found a nice spot for us to place our things and I just immediately ran for the pool jumping in and landing near Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie and Elizabeth Olsen. I started talking with Lizzie when I noticed Seb had gotten rid of the shirt he was wearing showing off his nicely toned chest. I didn't even notice I had been staring at Seb until I heard Anthony say "take a picture (Y/N/N) it'll last longer" I turned to face him "I don't have to take a picture because he's all mine Anthony" I say and stick my tongue out at him. I was so caught up in joking with Anthony that I didn't even notice that Seb had gotten in the pool until he was wrapping his arms around me hugging me from behind. 

The party went of for a little while before RDJ came up to Seb, Chris, Mackie, Lizzie and I and said "So Cap, Falcon, Little witch, Winter Soldier, Everest Black. How's it feel to be on the losing team?" he asked poking fun at the movie we were celebrating. "Shouldn't we be asking you that question?" I say back making everyone gasp in a joking way "Well I suppose there's only one way to settle the debate on who the winning team is..." RDJ says "And what would that be?" all of us ask at almost the same time "well obviously a game of Marco Polo. Team iron VS team cap" RDJ says. We all agree so RDJ goes over to tell his team the plan. RDJ then gets out of the pool and somehow grabs a microphone, still to this day I have no idea where the microphone came from. "Ok everyone! It seems we need to settle the debate of which team is the losing team, team iron or team cap! We will be playing Marco polo! Everyone get into your teams and get ready to play!" RDJ says before putting the microphone down and jumping back in the pool

We ended up playing Marco Polo for almost 2 hours because it actually ended up being pretty hilarious. Team iron lost making team cap the winners. All of us kept rubbing it in their faces, especially Roberts. Soon the chef that Robert had hired for the day said that dinner was done. All of us exited the pool and went to our bags to grab towels. As I was digging through my bag I noticed I couldn't find my towel. "Everything ok sweetheart?" I hear Seb ask from behind me "I must have forgot my towel at the house because I don't see it in my bag even though I thought I packed it." I say still digging through the bag hoping maybe that it'd just magically appear. Suddenly I feel a towel get wrapped around my shoulders "Here take mine. I don't need it anymore" Sebastian says as I turn around to face him as he finishes wrapping it around my shoulders. "Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" I ask. It was about 7:00 pm and it was starting to get a little chillier then it was earlier in the day. "I'll be fine I promise" he says as he puts on his shirt from earlier. I get up on my tippie toes and place a kiss on his lips. He kisses back and we stay this way for a while... Or at least until we hear someone clear their throat "Now that was sweet and all love birds but some of us wanna eat and Robert is making us wait for the two of you so chop chop!" Seb and I turn around to see a smirking Anthony Mackie standing in the door way. "We're coming we're coming" Seb and I say at almost the same time as we both walk into the house.  

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I read an imagine a while ago that was kinda similar to this so I decided to put my own spin on it! I'M IN NO WAY TRYING TO TAKE THIS IDEA! Anyways thanks for reading!

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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