Poor baby - Sebastian

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Summary: Sebastian comes home from set to find the reader on the couch sick 

Warnings: mentions of illness 

(Y/F/M) = Your Favorite Movie 

I woke up this morning with the familiar burning sensation in my throat that came along with being sick. As I began to wake up more I could feel that my nose was stuffed, my sinuses felt like they were burning and that my head was beginning to pound. I made my way out of the bed that Sebastian and I share noticing that he wasn't there, I then remembered he had to run to set this morning for a quick re-shoot. 

I slowly walk my way into the master bathroom to find myself some cold and flu medicine to help with my symptoms. I found the familiar box of pills I was looking for and made my way into the kitchen to make some toast and tea to have for breakfast. Usually I'm not a breakfast person but I knew I had to eat something in order to take that medicine so it wouldn't upset my stomach. I made some tea to help my throat and sat down on our couch. Slowly I munched on some of the toast I had made and took the medicine. 

I decided to just take the day to rest. I decided a movie marathon consisting of watching all of my favorite films starting with (Y/F/M) would be a good way to rest. I grabbed my favorite blanket from our room and my pillow from my bed and one of Sebastians hoodies for good measure before settling in for a day of rest and watching movies. 

Eventually I got hungry so I door dashed some soup from Panera for lunch because I was too lazy to cook anything for myself. My soup was delivered and it was comfortably laying on the couch eating my soup when I heard the front door being unlocked. "Heyyyy! I'm home!" I hear Seb yell "in the living room!" I weakly yell back, my voice clearly giving away that I'm sick. 

Sebastian rounds the corner to see me sitting on the couch cuddled in one of his hoodies and a blanket from our room. "What happened honey?" He said as he knelt down by the couch and placed one of his hands on my cheek. "I woke up sick" I said with a sniffle. Sebastian kissed my forehead and temples before I interrupted him "what are you doing? You're going to get sick sebba!" He chuckles lightly "I was checking your temperature" he said smiling slightly "we have a thermometer in the medicine cabinet." I say "yea but my method is way better" he says as he goes to kiss my forehead again "you do feel a bit warm." He says. "Yea I've been in one of your hoodies and under a blanket all day" I say back. "Mmm I don't think it's that honey, I think you've got a little fever going." Seb takes off the blanket that's on top of me I whine a little at the loss of warmth "I know honey but we gotta get that temp down." 

The two of us cuddled on the couch for a while even though I tried to protest because I didn't wanna get him sick. Sebastian placed one of his hands back on my forehead and noticed my temp hasn't gone down "when was the last time you took any medicine?" He asked "ummm around 1:00 I think?" Remembering that I had taken some more medicine when my soup was delivered. It was almost 10:30 and knowing Seb he'll probably convince me to go to bed early to get as much rest as I can so I can get better quicker. Seb moves me to the side slightly before standing up. "I'm gonna go get your medicine and then we're going to bed ok?" I nod feeling tired and not wanting to try and argue it. 

Sebastian comes back in the living room and I can see he's holding a bottle. He knows I don't like taking the liquid medicine because of the way it tastes "no, no no no" I say trying to back up into the couch even though I can't. "I know you don't like the liquid stuff but it lasts longer then the pills and I don't want you to have to wake up in the middle of the night to take more medicine." He says as he sits down next to me and begins to open the bottle. I whine knowing he's right and at how sweet he is to even think about that and move up to be somewhat closer to him. 

He pours out the medicine into the little cup and moves it to my lips "c'mon sweetheart just one drink and it'll be over." He says coaxing me to take the gross medicine. I take the little cup from his hand and quickly down the medicine before coughing and slightly gagging at the taste of it. "Good girl" he says patting my back to  help me with my coughing. Eventually my coughing comes to a halt and Seb starts cleaning up the dishes that were scattered on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Go get reads for bed I'll meet you there in a few minutes" he says ushering me to bed. 

Soon Sebastian comes into our room and changes into some pajamas before joining me in our bed. He opens his arms and motions for me to cuddle into his chest so he can rub my back like he does every night. There's something soothing about the way that he lightly rubs my back that puts me to sleep almost instantly when ever he does it. Rapidly I feel into a deep but dreamless sleep happily knowing that he'll always be there to take cake of me when needed. 

(A/N) Good morning/Afternoon/Evening or whenever you're reading this! This book hit 3.2K this morning meaning it got over 100 reads yesterday! Thank you! This is the longest thing I've wrote in a while so I hope you enjoyed it! I got inspired to write this because I woke up sick this morning, not fun. Anyway thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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