Road trip - Stucky

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Summary: You and your boyfriends Steve and Bucky are going on a road trip from the tower in New York all the way to a nice cabin in Minnesota for a little get away.

Warnings: None that I can think of. 

(Y/F/F) = Your favorite food 

Fury had called the tower and told all of us that we had 3 weeks off so my boyfriends and I decided it would be nice to take a little vacation to stay in a nice cabin in Minnesota for 2 weeks. We chose this cute cottage looking cabin on lake Sylvia in Minnesota. We mapped out our drive and estimated it would take about 20 hours to drive there, meaning we would either have to drive for 2 days or we would drive through the night and take turns driving and sleeping.  We decided it would be the best option to drive for 2 days and take a pit stop in Chicago, Illinois half way through. 

Steve was out training some new recruits so Bucky and I decided to start on the packing a little. "Buck!" I yell to Bucky who's down the hall looking through one of the storage closets for the nice suitcases but I ended up finding them in our shared walk in closet "Yes doll?" he yells back "I found the suitcases!" I hear the hall closet close and I hear him start to walk into our room and into the walk in closet to see me struggling to reach the suitcases that were conveniently placed on one of the top shelves. "You need some help there doll?" Bucky says chuckling at me trying to reach the shelf that I clearly can't reach. "Don't laugh at me buckkkk" I say pouting and stretching out his name. "Ok baby doll" Bucky says kissing my temple as he grabs the suitcases with his metal hand with ease. "Ok so Stevie is down training the newbies so we should probably wait to pack most of the stuff until he is back because he's the one who booked the vacation so he knows what the weather will be, what activities we're doing, and everything in between." I say looking over to Bucky who is nodding in agreement "so what should we pack in the mean time?" Bucky asks "Well Since it's a long drive I figured we could pack some activities in this bag" I say pointing to a navy blue back pack that's laying on our shared bed "I don't think we'll need very many activities since it will be all three of us but if you think you'll need some activities we can pack some, does that sound ok baby doll?" Bucky suggested knowing I had a pretty short attention span I nod my head before walking over to my book shelf in the corner of the shared bedroom and grabbing 2 books and a few adult activity books along with a pencil pouch filled with all sorts of pens and markers and put them into the backpack along with a few other little activities to keep me entertained. 

Soon Steve came back from training the new recruits "There's my loves" Steve said walking into our room placing kisses to me and Buckys foreheads "How'd it go Stevie?" I ask "It went great Sweetheart. How are things going here?" He says taking off his shirt getting ready to shower "Good, we decided to wait until you got back to seriously pack because you're the one who planned the trip and you know where we're going and what the weather will be and all that stuff" Bucky said "Ok yeah that makes sense. I'm going to go shower and then we will get everything else packed" Steve said before walking into our shared bathroom to shower. 

Steve finished his shower and walked back into our room in just a pair of gym shorts and come over and sat by me on the floor "why don't we discus the plan for the trip" He said to Bucky and I "alright" Bucky said before coming over to where Steve and I. Steve pulled me into his lap so Bucky could be closer before he started talking about the trip. After figuring out all the details we packed up our bags before going to bed.


Bucky and Steve woke me up at 5:00 saying if we want to get on the road on time we need to be up and ready to go. I am in no way a morning person and usually end up acting much like a clingy child during early hours of the morning unless we're doing a mission so I was not thrilled at the early wake up call. Bucky and Steve were loading up the car with our bags as I was sluggishly getting dressed in the clothes Steve left out for me on the bathroom counter which consisted of one of Buckys hoodies and a pair of my capri leggings. After getting dressed I grab all my last minute things before I hear the door of our bedroom open "doll it's time to go" I hear Bucky say as I feel him put one of his hands on my shoulder. I turn around to meet his eyes and make grabby hands signaling that I want to be carried out to the car. Bucky laughs lightly at my child like state before picking me up and placing me on his hip allowing me to nuzzle my face into his neck as he carries me out to the car. "She asleep?" Steve questions as he sees Bucky carrying me out to the car with my face nuzzled into his neck. "nah you know how she is early in the morning, she wanted to be carried out to the car" Bucky said smiling gently.  Bucky placed me into the back seat of the car to notice I actually had fallen back asleep while he was holding me. He gently placed my head on a pillow I had asked Steve to bring to the car for me before buckling me into my seat and getting in the passenger seat of the car. 

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