How they react to you having emetophobia (Actors)

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(A/N and a little TW before you read!) This is a condition that I myself have and that's what I'll be basing these preferences on. For those who don't know what it is here is the google definition "A disproportionate fear of vomiting, or emetophobia, is a chronic and disabling condition which is characterized by a tendency to avoid a wide array of situations or activities that might increase the risk of vomiting. Unlike many other subtypes of specific phobias, emetophobia is fairly difficult to treat."

Chris Evans- One of the first things Chris learned about you was that you have emetophobia and the way he found that out was when the two of you started watching a movie and one of the characters started vomiting, this immediately made you cover your eyes and ears and made you start hyperventilating. Chris immediately paused the movie and came closer to you and started rubbing your back to calm you down, eventually he succeeded at calming you down. Later you explained what had happened and what emetophobia is. He was very understanding from that day on, covering your eyes if he knew a scene with vomit was coming on a tv show or movie, making sure the house was stocked up on your safe foods, and always comforting you whenever you felt even the slightest bit nauseous.

Sebastian Stan- You and Seb have been friends since the both of you were 8 so he's known about your emetophobia since you developed it. He's been there through it all, the diagnosis, figuring out how to calm down when it gets bad, hell he was even there when you caught the stomach flu when you were both 14. When you caught that bug you refused to eat for days out of fear of getting sick again. No one could convince you to eat except Seb, he sat with you the whole time reassuring you that you'd be okay and that it would be okay of you got sick and that he'd be by your side the entire time. Since then he's always been by your side even when he's away filming.

(A/N) Hey guys! so like I said at the beginning the stories in these preferences are loosely based on my own experience the story in Chris's about getting triggered was based on my experience while watching his movie Knives Out (that one was a hard movie to watch but it was worth it for the cable knit sweater lol)  and Sebastian's story about getting the stomach flu was based when I did (except I was 12 and it was my best friend talking me through it)  Anyways thanks for reading! 

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