Overwhelmed - Chris

784 7 10

Requested by: Katie5848


This ended up being pretty long too so be ready for that (2,389 words to be exact)

Summary: The reader has a sensory processing disorder and has a sensory overload while at a meet and greet

Warnings: Mentions of anxiety and sensory overloads.

(A/N) I'm sorry if anyone finds this inaccurate in any way this is written per the request and anything that is sensory/sensory overload based that is mentioned in this story was based on research and or personal experience. People feel/experience sensory overloads in many different ways, this story is only showing one of those ways.

Captain America: Civil War was just released and San-Diego Comic-Con invited me and my other cast members to do a panel at the convention. The minute I saw that email my heart dropped. Don't get me wrong I love panels and getting to meet my fans but these conventions take up a lot of energy and not in the way you'd think. You see growing up I always had sensory and over stimulation issues. Honestly I can remember having sensory overloads all the way back to when I was in preschool. My family never made a big deal out of it and despite our fairly big age gap I always had my big brother Sebastian there to comfort me when it all became too much. He's 8 years older then me but he's always been the first one to jump in when the overloads start, he says it's his "big brother duty" to make sure I'm okay at all times.

Being an actress and having sensory issues don't really mix well. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my job I do! I get to work with tons of wonderful people, I've met hundreds of beautiful people and I've learned so much, and I've gotten to work with my brother! But being an actress with sensory issues has it's down sides... Doing meet and greets is typically a pretty big part of being an actor or actress but no one really talks about how overstimulating they can be. I scanned through the email to find the schedule to find that I was paired with my brother Sebastian and my boyfriend Chris the whole time we're going to be there, I'm guessing my manager had that arranged I'll have to thank her later. While reading through more of the email I hear the door to my office open and I look up to see my boyfriend Chris standing there.

Chris and I have been dating since we filmed Captain America: The First Avenger. We had been crushing on each other the whole time we were filming and after it was released he finally asked me on a date. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had if I'm being honest, see my past boyfriends haven't really understood my sensory processing disorder and never really took the time to try and understand it either. Chris on the other hand has always been mindful about it and is almost as protective as my brother. "What's up bub?" I ask Chris whose still standing in the door way of my office. "Did you see the email? We're being flown out to San-Diego for Comic-Con in 3 days. How do you feel about that? Do you think you'll be okay?" He asks genuinely, he's always taken the time to make sure I feel at least semi comfortable whenever we have to go to big public events like this. Sometimes we can get out of going to them but there's other times like this where we have no choice. "I think I'll be okay, I mean I'll inevitably get overwhelmed at some point but they have me paired with you and Sebby the whole time so I should be alright. I'll have you two by my side to calm me down if things get to be too much." I say as I stand up from my seat at my desk and walk over to hug him. As soon as I wrap my arms around his strong torso I can immediately feel his arms wrap around me "as long as you think you'll be okay" he says before kissing my forehead.

I can tell he's hesitant for us to go seeing as the last time we went to a convention it didn't go that well. As we were leaving a meet and greet some fans bombarded us immediately sending me into a big sensory overload, I was already on edge in general because I had just had my picture taken a few hundred times and the flash from the camera gets pretty bothersome after the first 20 or so pictures. Plus the convention center itself was super loud since there were literal hundreds of people talking all at one time. Those fans surrounding us just happened to send me over the edge. I don't remember much from that overload because it happened so fast but I do remember hearing Chris practically begging the fans to back up and move over so he could carry me out and to somewhere quieter so I wouldn't end up having a seizure right there in front of a bunch of people. I didn't know at the time but Sebastian had just finished his own meet and greet and saw what was happening and got security before running over and helping Chris get me out of there. Security arrived and all three of us were escorted to a green room in a different part of the convention center. I don't remember much else from that day because once we got to the green room I had a seizure and was out of it for the rest of the day.

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