Clumsy- Chris

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Summary: The reader is very clumsy which Chris finds adorable until the reader gets injured 

Warnings: Mentions of injury.

I've been clumsy since I was a little girl. I'm always walking into walls, falling down the stairs, falling up the stairs, tripping over my own feet. If there was anyway that I could fall over I would manage to find it. At one point my parents started to think it was something with my vision so they took me to multiple optometrists to try and see if there was something wrong with my eyes but every single optometrist I went to said there was nothing wrong with my eyes. They all just said I was a naturally clumsy kid. Chris for some reason finds how clumsy I am adorable. 

It was a normal Saturday and Chris and I were in bed snuggling when we decided it was time to get our day started. He got up and decided to shower and I decided to go downstairs and feed Dodger. I was about half way down the stairs when I somehow missed a step and ended up falling. I tried to catch myself but ended up rolling my ankle in the process and continued falling down the stairs. I immediately tried to get up thinking I just pulled a muscle or something but the second I put pressure on my foot my ankle and leg gave out I fell right back down on the floor. I immediately started crying because it really hurts. "Chris!!" I yell hoping that he hadn't gotten in the shower yet. 

He must have heard me fall because right as I started yelling for him he was standing at the top of the stair case. "Honey what happened?" he says running down the stairs. "I tripped and fell and I think I did something to my ankle" I said holding my foot. "Ohh honey" Chris said as he knelt down to my level "here can I see?" Chris asks I nod my head and move my hands away from my foot allowing him to see my now swollen ankle. "Ohh sweetheart this looks bad, I think we gotta get that looked at" I look up to meet his eyes "Is it that bad?" I question not wanting to look "yea it's really swollen (Y/N). I'm going to call Scott to come take care of Dodger and I'm going to bring you to the ER" Chris says putting his hand on my cheek and rubbing soft circles with his thumb "Ok" I say agreeing with his plan. 

"I'm going to move you to the couch and grab some ice for your ankle while I call Scott" I nod my head in agreement and then realize that he's in just a pair of boxers "Hey Chris" I say before he goes to pick me up "Yea honey?" "You might want to get dressed before you call for Scott to come over." I say giggling  he looks down to realize he's just in boxers and he laughs along with me "yea that might be smart" he says picking me up and walking me over to the couch "do you need anything else from the kitchen?" he asks before going into the kitchen  "No I'm good" I say and he nods before leaving and coming back with an ice pack. He gently lays the ice on the swollen part of my ankle" I hiss at the sensation of the ice on my painfully swollen ankle "I know honey, I know it hurts" "It's ok now" I say "are you sure?" he questions "Yea it's ok, go get dressed and call Scott I'll be okay" He nods before kissing my temple and leaving the room.

Chris came back into the living room 15 minutes later seeing Dodger sitting next to me with his head on my lap "Aww bubba do you see your mama's hurt" Chris asks Dodger as he comes to kneel by my side. "I see you got dressed" I say giggling remembering how he looked earlier "yea I got dressed" He says also slightly giggling "that's a shame I was enjoying the view" I say smirking slightly "Oh is that so" Chris says raising an eyebrow "Mhmmm" I say with the same smirk I had before Chris shakes his head lightly while chuckling at what I was saying before kissing me. 

Soon there was a knock on our door signaling that Scott had arrived. Chris got up from his spot kneeling on the floor before going to answer the door and let Scott in. "Hey Scott" Chris said greeting his brother. "Hey Chris! What happened? Why did I have to come watch Dodger so urgently?" Scott questioned. "(Y/N) Fell down the stairs this morning and I think she broke her ankle. I needed you to watch Dodge so I can bring her to the ER to have it looked it." "Omg is she ok? Is it that bad?" He asks. "Why don't you come see for yourself Scott!" I yell from the couch. Chris and Scott round the corner and Scott gasps when he sees my swollen ankle "omg (Y/N)! that's gotta hurt!" Scott says coming closer to the couch to get a better look. "Oh it does" I say. 

Soon enough Chris walks Scott what he needs to do for Dodger before coming to pick me up from my place on the couch and walking the two of us out to the car. Chris places me in the back seat of the car so I can elevate my foot on a pillow he grabbed from the couch before walking out of the house. 


Chris and I have been in the ER for almost 3 hours now and so far all they've done is give me an IV with some pain medicine. Soon a doctor came into my ER room and said they were going to bring me to get some X-rays of my ankle to see if it was broken or sprained. They brought in a wheel chair and let me kiss Chris goodbye before rolling me away to the X-ray machine room. 30 minutes later I was reunited with Chris and the doctor came back in an showed us my X-rays. More importantly the doctor showed us where my ankle broke... Yup my ankle was broken. The doctor left the room and came back with a compression boot and crutches. I had to stay in the boot on crutches for 8 weeks but I could start putting pressure on my ankle at 6 weeks. 

Chris and I left the ER and Chris was being very protective of my foot. The second we got home Chris carried me out of the car and carried me into the couch placing a pillow under my boot to keep my foot elevated. Chris checked in with Scott on how things went with Dodger before thanking him and telling him he was free to go if he wanted or he could stay. It was his choice. Scott chose to leave but not before coming up to me and wishing me a speedy recovery. After Scott left Chris came up to me "Are you ok? do you need anything? Pain medicine? water? anything at all?" Chris asked "Chris honey I'm ok. I'm still on the pain medicine they gave me at the ER. Instead how about you come cuddle me?" I ask. He slowly nods and comes over to me before lifting me up and placing me on top of him allowing me to snuggle into his chest...

(A/N) This was an Idea I got a while ago but never got around to writing and I think it turned out really good! What do y'all think?

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your idea or request and I'll write it as soon as I can!  

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