Pillow fort - Bucky

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summary: Bucky and the reader build a pillow fort

Warnings: none that I can think of

(Y/F/C) = your favorite candy

(Y/F/D) = your favorite drink 

It was a pretty quiet day in the tower today because most of the team had gone on a mission. The only  people left in the tower happened to be me and Bucky, Wanda and Vision were supposed to be here too but they decided to go on a little trip just the two of them. 

It was Saturday and the team was supposed to come back tomorrow meaning Bucky and I had one more day of having the entire tower to ourselves. I decided we needed to do something fun because it's rare that we are the only ones in the tower. It was almost noon and I still didn't have any ideas on what we could do so I walked into the main living room to sit on one of the comfy couches and brain storm some ideas when it hit me. I realized Bucky probably hasn't ever built a pillow and blanket fort and if he had it probably was 70 years ago. I went around the tower collecting blankets and pillows and bringing them all into the living room before going to the gym where Bucky had been working out like he usually does. "hey Buck" I yell grabbing his attention "yea Doll?" He asks as he stops punching the punching bag and turns himself so he's facing me. "Once you're done down here go shower and meet me in the main living room. I have something planned for the both of us to cure the boredom we've been battling" I say "Oh yea? What's this idea you got doll?" He asks slightly confused. "You'll see when you get there Barnes" I say before walking out of the gym. 

Bucky left they gym shortly after I did and went and showered before coming and finding me in the living room sitting on top of the pile of blankets and pillows that I had compiled from around the tower. "What do you got there doll?" He asks confused as to why I have so many blankets and pillows. " I decided we're going to build a pillow and blanket fort and once we're done building it we can maybe cuddle inside and watch movies" I say looking at his facial expression trying to see if he was showing any signs of disinterest. "Ok yeah that sounds fun doll. How or where do we start?" he asks sounding genuinely interested and excited. "We need to go grab some chairs from the kitchen to use as supports and then we can just start building from there." I say getting up to go to the elevator to go to the kitchen, Bucky following close behind.

Once we were in the kitchen we both grabbed two chairs and carried them to the elevator. Once we were back to the main living room I showed him where to place the two chairs that he had grabbed while place mine across from his but a few feet away. After that I grabbed the biggest blankets and had him help me lay it on top of the four chairs. After the main blanket was layed down I just told him to start laying the rest of the blankets on top in random spots but to make sure they were covering the sides so we had some nice walls but to keep one side open so we could easily get in and out of our fort. Once we had a pretty nice structure made from the blankets and the chairs I had him help me grab the pillows that I had found and we just started randomly tossing them inside. 

Finally our fort was done. He told me to go change into come comfier clothes because I was in jeans and a T-shirt still while he was in gym shorts and a T-shirt. While I was getting into some better clothes he told J.A.R.V.I.S to turn on Finding Nemo, one of my favorite Disney movies while he went to the kitchen to grab some pop corn and come (Y/F/C) and some candy he likes and some (Y/F/D) and a bottle of water for himself and brought them into the fort. When I walked back into the living room he was already in the fort with all the snacks and drinks. I got into the fort and laid next to him. He patted his chest "You can lay on me doll it's ok" he said obviously seeing that I wanted to cuddle. I scooted myself closer to him and gently laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and we tangled our legs in to a bundle. 

We spent the rest of the day cuddled up together watching all sorts of movies only ever getting out of the fort to use the bathroom. The next morning the team came home to see the two of us cuddled up together in the fort that we had made. Steve and Natasha were sure to get multiple pictures of us.  

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Here's the longer one that i promised I'd write! I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading!

Requests and Ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can    

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