Mac and cheese - Chris

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Mini imagine 


Summary: Chris comes home from running errands to find the reader on the floor eating mac and cheese.

Warnings: none

Chris has been out running some errands today while Dodger and I stayed home. I wasn't sure why exactly I stayed home but I just had this odd feeling telling me that I shouldn't go out, so I didn't. He had to go out and grab some groceries and to pick up an updated version of his script for Defending Jacob since I guess they made some new changes to it. 

Dodger and I just have had a quiet day at home cuddling on the couch when I decided it was time to have some lunch. Mac and cheese sounded really good but I wasn't really feeling like having Kraft or any kind of boxed kind so I looked up a quick recipe for some homemade mac and cheese that wouldn't take multiple hours to make (and that we had all the ingredients for). Once I found one that sounded pretty good and fairly easy I started gathering my ingredients and anything else I could need I began. 

30 minutes later my mac and cheese was complete. And might I say it smelled delicious! I ended up only making half the recipe called for because it was only going to be Chris and I eating it. I was too lazy to grab any bowls or silverware so I ended up just grabbing the pot off of the stove (once the pot had cooled off so it didn't burn me) and just sat myself on the floor. There on the floor in the middle of our kitchen I sat eating mac and cheese straight from the pot with the spoon I had used to stir in the cheese sauce. Soon I heard the front door open meaning Chris was home. "Honey? Where are you?" I hear him yell after not seeing me in the living room. "I'm in the kitchen!" I yell back. I hear his big footsteps get closer before seeing him stand before me with two bags in his hands "what are you doing down there?" He asks looking at me with slight confusion painting his face " I wanted mac and cheese but I didn't want the boxed kind so I made some homemade but then I was too lazy to put it in a bowl or to grab actual silverware so here I am. On our kitchen floor eating mac and cheese straight from the pot." I say before taking another bite. Chris smiles and laughs at my explanation as he sets the bags he was carrying onto the counter. He takes a seat next to me while putting one of his arms around my shoulder allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder. I load the stirring spoon up with a bite of mac and cheese before putting my hand under it and moving it up to his mouth. He happily accepts the bite and hums at the taste "you need to make that more often" he says before taking the spoon from the pot and getting himself another bite. 

Some might find it strange but it's little moments like this with Chris that are my favorite of all. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I'm not quite sure what this but I think it ended up cute (??). I'm really tired from school but I promised I'd write an imagine for y'all last week so I didn't wanna disappoint again. Thanks for reading and for 2.1K! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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