Halloween Pumpkin Carving - Stucky

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Summary: you and your boyfriends carve some pumpkins in preparation for Halloween 

Warnings: Possible language

(A/N) This is another Halloween themed one because honestly I'm just ready for it to be fall and Halloween :) 

Halloween was in less then a week so my boyfriends and I decided that it was time to carve some pumpkins. Usually the whole team has a carving contest but everyone except my boyfriends, Vision, Wanda and Clint were on missions. Clint had decided to go home to his his wife and kids and Wanda and Vision decided to go on a mini vacation so it was only my boyfriends and I.

"Doll!" I hear Bucky yell from the front door "Could you come help please?" I sprung out of my seat and saw my boyfriends holding some bags and some pumpkins. "What do you need help with Buck?" I ask seeing the both of them "There's one more bag in the car that we can't carry, could you go get it?" Steve asks while the both of them walk into the house and take off their shoes before starting to head to the kitchen to unpack the bags they had. "yeah sure! I'll be back!" 

I walk out to the car to see one more bag in the trunk. I open the bag curious about what they had bought. Inside the bag I see some Halloween themed candles! They were pumpkin and spice and mahogany teakwood, two of my favorite fall scented candles. I grab the bag, close the trunk of the car and run inside eager to light my new candles. "Did you see your surprise baby girl?" Steve says with a slight smirk. "If you're talking about new versions of my favorite candles you'd be correct! Thank you!" I say running up and hugging the both of them "Hold on sweetheart, that's only the first of your surprises" Bucky says. "What do you mean?" I ask confused, "we bought pumpkins! We're going to carve them tonight! "really!?" I ask in excitement, I love carving pumpkins and the both of them knew that. " Yes darling" Bucky said while grabbing the pumpkins and setting them on the dining room table. 

All three of us got ready to carve the pumpkins, we got changed into clothes we didn't mind getting dirty, we put some garbage bags on the kitchen table to it wouldn't get messy and we got all of our tools out. I also lit my candles because why not. 


Finally we finished carving the pumpkins. Steve carved his to be like Mickey Mouse. Bucky carved his to look like a cat and I carved mine to look like a combination of Steves shield and the pattern of Buckys arm. All three of us light our pumpkins and just sat there for a minute looking at our masterpieces. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or when ever you're reading this. we're super close to getting 500 reads which is crazy! thanks for the support!

Requests and Ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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