What they do when you've had a bad day (everyone)

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Steve Rogers- Steve tries to figure out what happened first to see if it's something he can fix but if it's not he asks what you wanna do, whether that be reading a book or watching a movie together. What ever you want to do he's completely okay with as long as it'll make you feel better. 

Chris Evans- Chris hates hearing that you've had a bad day, whether it was something going wrong at work or simply an off day you best believe he'll make sure it's taken care of. In the meantime he'll grab your favorite blanket and snack and cuddle you on the couch with Dodger. Usually you end the day by falling asleep laying against his chest with a smile on your face. 

James "Bucky" Barnes - Bucky has gone through a number of bad days himself and hates to hear that his doll is going through one. If it involves work he'll come pick you up early so he can bring you home and snuggle you until you're no longer sad. If it's just a general thing he does everything in his power to make you feel better. 

Sebastian Stan- You really tend to bottle your feelings up and try to hide them from Sebastian because you don't want him to worry about you while he's working but he can usually tell you're having a bad day simply based off how you look. He'll call for take out from your favorite place to get it from and pop in your favorite movie in hopes of making you feel better. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I'm so so soooo sorry I've been so absent the past month or so, I've just had a bunch going on and I kinda lost track of this book and my original posting schedule. I promise I'm trying my hardest to find a new schedule that allows me to post at least once a week from now on. Requests would be WONDERFUL because I don't have many ideas right now so if you have ANY ideas at all PLEASE comment them!! Thanks for reading 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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