Emetophobia - Sebastian

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Requested by: Katie5848


Summary: the readers emetophobia is triggered during a press junket 

Warnings: mentions of anxiety and sickness 

This day started off just like any other. I was in my hotel room with Sebastian just having some down time before we have to go do some press junkets for Avengers: Infinity war. "Hey so Robert had to back out because he got a stomach bug so you're going to be moved to be interviewed with Evans instead of with Mackie, and I." Sebastian says while looking at my face to look for a reaction. "Oh, okay" I say quietly. My mind is already racing with dozens of questions 'what if Evans has been in contact with Robert?' 'What if Evans is secretly sick too' 'what if I get sick?'. Sebastian can practically see the thoughts racing through my head. "Hey Sweetheart mind telling me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks knowing he's not going to get a specific answer.

Sebastian knows about my Emetophobia, hell everyone we work with does. I've had this since I was a little kid. The second I hear someone's sick thoughts race through my mind on how I need to avoid it at all costs. Emetophobia has slowly taken over my day to day life. I get anxiety around eating at new restaurants, I avoid sick people like they have the plague because in my mind they basically do. I never eat foods that are past the expiration date, and I have to google movies before I watch them to make sure there's no scenes of people getting sick. The minute Seb said Robert had the stomach bug it was like a switch flipped in my brain. But given my job I can't just drop out of an interview because Robert's sick, it just doesn't work like that.

The rest of the day passes on and after that conversation we had earlier Sebastian was able to distract me from the fact that Robert had been sick by asking me questions about things I'm really passionate about even though he's heard me talk about them hundreds of times. He knows this strategy works really well to get me to focus on something else. My manager called me later that night just to confirm that I was okay with doing my interviews with Evans instead of with Sebastian and Anthony. Sebastian and I eventually drifted off to sleep within each others comforting grasps.

The next morning started off like any other morning. Sebastian woke me up by pressing soft kisses to my jawline and forehead. We got up and got ready for the day and made our way down to the lobby of the hotel to have breakfast with the rest of the cast before getting in the vans and making our way to the press center. We checked in and got our schedules for the day and made our way to our interview rooms. I walked into my interview room to see that Chris was already there. "Good morning Y/N!" He says while standing up to wrap me up in one of his famous hugs. The two of us sat down and chatted among ourselves to pass the time until the first interviewer showed up.

The minute the interviewer walked in I took notice of how pale she looked, she almost looked green. That was an immediate red flag for me and I'm pretty sure Chris could sense my immediate unease "you ok?" He asked in a hushed tone so no one but me could hear. I gave him a slight nod even though I myself wasn't quite convinced I was alright.

The interviewer sat down and introduced herself to Chris and I before asking if we were ready to begin the interview. We both agreed and the Cameras started rolling. "Hello my name is Jessica Smith from E!News and I'm here today to interview upcoming Marvel movie Avengers: Infinity War stars Chris Evans and Y/N Y/L/N! Chris, Y/N, thank you for taking time out of your day to sit down with E!News to discuss this new movie with us!" She says starting the interview. The interview went fairly well but I noticed that she slowly got more and more pale throughout the interview, I also noticed how randomly she started quickening her pace as if she was in a rush to get out of the interview. All of a sudden I see her jerk forward slightly. Immediately my heart drops to my stomach and it feels like there's a siren going off in my brain telling me to run but it feels like I'm glued to the chair I'm sitting on.

She plays it off like it was nothing but I'm already on to her. A few minutes pass by and she jerks forward again except this time she says a quick "I'm so sorry" before getting up from her seat and sprinting to a trash bin that was in the corner of the room as she proceeds to empty her stomach into it. I cover my ears and close my eyes as I curl into myself. The camera crew cut the cameras and go out into the hallway to call for help. My breathing is short and fast as I start to hyperventilate. Chris gets out of his chair and kneels in front of me as the interviewer is escorted out of the room by the medical team. "Hey Y/N it's Chris, she's all gone now. You can uncover your ears and open your eyes now. It's safe I promise" I know I can trust Chris and I know he would never lie about something being safe when it really wasn't so I decide to take his word for it and open my eyes. I quickly scan the room and notice she's gone before uncovering my ears.

My breathing is still short and fast so Chris sits with me and helps me get my breathing back to normal, or at least as close to normal as I can get it to be. As he's finishing helping me Sebastian runs through the door "Oh Y/N are you ok? I just heard what happened!" I just look up at him, tears still brimming my eyes. "She started having an anxiety attack the minute the interviewer started getting sick. We just finally got her breathing somewhat back to normal." Chris says answering Sebastian's question for me but being cautious of my state right now by saying sick instead of throw up or puke. Sebastian helps me stand up and wraps me in a hug and and presses soft kisses to the top of my head while also thanking Chris in the process.

Word spread quickly of what happened and Sebastian and I were given the rest of the day off for me to recover. We just stayed in our hotel room and cuddled while watching movies on the tv. When dinner rolled around we were reminded we were supposed to go out for dinner with the cast but we got some texts in the group chat telling us that if I don't feel up to going after what happened than I don't have to go out and they hope I feel better. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I know it's kinda strange that I just disappeared for almost a month and then randomly came back and posted  twice in 24 hours! Id like to say a quick thank you to Katie5848 for these lovely requests! I've had a lot of fun writing them and they've been pushing me out of my writers block! Anyways thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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