Hoodie - Chris

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(A/N) This one is shorter then my other imagines. I had this idea but I couldn't figure out how to make it into a long imagine without it getting repetitive or boring but I still wanted to get an imagine out today. 


Summary: Chris has to leave for a press tour so he leaves the reader a hoodie that his his cologne on it.

Warnings: None that I can think of.

Chris is leaving for the press tour for Gifted this morning leaving me alone with our new dog Dodger. Dodger is an absolute sweetheart he found while filming a scene at a animal shelter for the movie but I wish Chris could be here for his first few days in our shared home. 

"Do you have all your bags" I ask as he walks towards the our front door with his 2 suitcases and his backpack "yeah I think so" Chris said looking over to the trunk of the car looking in to see if he has everything. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his muscular torso nuzzling my head into his chest getting a smell of his cologne in the process. Chris wraps one arm around my back and one around my head softly playing with my hair "I'm gonna miss you" I mumble into his chest just loud enough for him to hear and be able to understand me. "I'll miss you too sweetheart but I promise I'll text when I land and when ever else I can and I'll Face Time every night before I go to bed so I can see you and Dodge." Chris lets go of me and moves his hands to my cheeks so he can look into my eyes before pulling me into a long loving kiss. Chris and I release from the kiss and he removes his hands from my cheeks.  "I love you" he says before kissing my cheek one more time "I love you too" I say as he pulls away from my cheek.

"Once I'm gone go into our bedroom and look under my pillow" He says winking at me before turning around to get into the car. "I love you" I shout as hes getting into the car. He rolls down the window and sticks his head out "I love you more!" he shouts before driving away.

I get inside our shared home and am reminded of what he said. I run up to our bedroom and go to his side of the bed and practically throw his pillow off the bed to find his favorite Patriots hoodie neatly folded laying under where the pillow was. I immediately grab the hoodie and throw it on top of what I was already wearing. It was huge on me but I didn't care, as I'm putting it on I notice that it smells like him and I instantly hum melting at the comforting scent. 


I've been wearing Chris's hoodie all day and it has been so comforting. I think Dodger can smell Chris's scent on it because any time I sit down on our couch Dodger comes and plops himself on top of me. 

suddenly my phone starts ringing and I see it's Chris Face Timing me. I answer to see him smiling while laying in a hotel bed. "Hey bub!" I say smiling from seeing him on my screen "Hey sweetheart! I see you found my little surprise for you!"  "yes! I haven't taken it off since I found it. I think Dodge can smell your scent on it because any time I sit down he comes over and does this" I say flipping the camera so he can see Dodger sitting on top of me. Chris laughs seeing Dodger practically laying on top of me. 

Chris and I talk for a few more hours before we both decide to go to bed. I ended up wearing that hoodie to bed every night until Chris returned because his scent helped me fall asleep. 

(A/N) Like I said this ended up shorter then all my other imagines (for perspective all my other imagines are well over 1.0k words and this one ended up around 650) Thanks for reading! Somehow we're already at almost 400 reads! We just hit 300 a few days ago! It still amazes me how quickly this book is growing! Thanks for all your support!

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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