What they do when you're on your period (characters)

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(TW) Mentions of medicine and nausea. 

Steve Rogers- Steve tends to get slightly nervous when you're on your period, stuff like that wasn't as openly talked about in the 40's like it is today so it still slightly makes him slightly uncomfortable but he tries his best. He knows everything you like to have around during that time and he makes sure to check that you have some around when he knows you're about to start. He will happily cuddle with you and watch movies or TV shows or really whatever you want to watch. The cramps are the worst part for him though because he hates seeing his best girl in pain and will immediately go get you some pain medicine and/or a heating pad. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- Bucky isn't a stranger to the idea of periods. He grew up with 3 sisters so he knows his way around periods, from the hormonal mood swings to the sometimes agonizing cramps he knows what to do (most the time). Hes slowly picked up on what you want and need when you're on your period and makes sure you have it when needed. For when you have cramps he will turn on a movie, hand you some pain killers and spoon you so he can hold a heating pad to your abdomen with his metal hand. He also knows that you can get slightly nauseous when you're on it so he is very careful around you with food. 

(A/N) Hey guyssss! This chapter was originally going to be an imagine but I got really bad writers block so I ended up scratching that and writing this instead (yes there will be an actor version it will probably be published later today)

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