What they do when you're nervous and how they know (actors)

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Chris Evans- Chris himself has anxiety and he knows you very well so he can pick up on when you're nervous pretty quickly. Usually when you're anxious you tend to bounce your knee up and down and sometimes you even start biting your nails. When you start bouncing your knee Chris puts his hand on your thigh/knee and starts rubbing his thumb in slow circles by your knee to try and calm you down. When you start biting your nails he gently grabs your hand and pulls it away from your mouth and just starts to softly rub/ massage your hand. 

Sebastian Stan- Sebastian has been one of your close friends since you were both kids so he knows you pretty well. Over time he has picked up on what you start doing when you're getting nervous or anxious and he's also found ways to help you calm down or to help lessen your anxiety. When you're really getting anxious you start fiddling with your fingers and you start popping your knuckles. When you start doing either of those he grabs your hand and starts rubbing over your knuckles softly. When he can see you starting to get nervous he lets you play with his fingers/hand or lets you just hold his hand.    

(A/N) heyyyy so like I've written and published like 5 chapters today when I said I was only gonna publish 2 or 3. soooo uhhhh there's that 

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