Texts they send (characters)

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Steve Rogers- 

Good morning: Good morning, Sweetheart. Sorry I'm not with you this morning, Nat, Buck and I got called on an early mission this morning. I should be back by tomorrow afternoon, it seems like a pretty easy mission. I love you very much! -Steve

Goodnight: Goodnight, (Y/N). I hope you had a good day today. The mission is going well so far and I should be back tomorrow afternoon as planned. I hope you sleep well tonight. Love you. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- 

Good morning: Good morning, Doll. Punk made me get up early and go for a run with him and Sam. I'll be back by the time you wake up but I still wanted to send you a little message in case you woke up before I get back for some reason. love ya doll. 

Goodnight: Goodnight, Doll. I'll be back from the mission in a few hours but I'll bet you're tired so don't try and stay up until I get back it's okay, go to bed. I'll be there with you when you wake up. I promise. Love ya doll. 

(A/N) Heyyyy feel free to send in any requests y'all have!

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