Training too hard - Steve

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SteveXFemale!reader imagine 

summary: You spent to much time training without a break and end up passing out while sparing with Steve

You groan as you stir awake realizing that it's way to early for you to be awake for the day but you know you won't be able to fall back asleep either, you roll over to your side to check your alarm clock to see it's 3:37 am. As you lay in bed pondering what to do you realize you could make up for missing training  the other day by going down to the gym and getting and early start before your scheduled training with your boyfriend Steve at 6:30. You get out of bed and start getting ready to go down to the gym. You pull your hair back into a tight ponytail and put on a plain sports bra and some leggings, you grab your gym bag and a bottle of water from the kitchen before heading down. "Isn't it a bit early to be awake Ms.(Y/N)?" J.A.R.V.I.S. questions, "lord knows I wont be able to fall back asleep. J, take me to the gym please." The AI complies and leads you down to the gym.

 "You have arrived Ms, (Y/N)." J.A.R.V.I.S. alerts, "Thanks, J". You walk into the gym and set down your water bottle and bag and decide to warm up by running on the treadmill. You managed to run 6.5 miles in a little under 45 minutes, next you decided to go over to the punching bags. As you're wrapping your fists up so they don't get damaged by punching the bags you look at the time and notice it's 4:46 am, you still have 2 hours until it's time to spar with Steve. You start punching the bag and start getting sidetracked thinking about the reason you were awoken in the first place, nightmares... You have had nightmares ever since you can remember. No one on the team knows because you don't feel like burdening them with anything else, they already have enough on their plates especially your boyfriend Steve. You almost never remembered what the nightmares actually were after you woke up from them but you could never seem to fall back asleep after having them either. You got lost in your own world not even noticing that the bandages on your knuckles had come undone and you were punching the bag with your bare fists making them bleed. Eventually you snap out of your daydream because of the pain you feel in your fists, you look down to see the bag and your knuckles covered in blood. After you're done getting cleaned up you look at the clock and see that it's somehow 6:00 am. You then just did some basic stretches to prepare for sparing with Steve.

 Soon enough at 6:30 am on the dot Steve walks into the gym in a basic white T-shirt and some grey joggers. "You ready to start, Love?" Steve questions as he comes over to kiss your cheek, he always makes sure you stretch before sparing because he doesn't want you to pull or sprain anything . "yup, all ready to go Cap." Steve lightly shakes his head softly chuckling at the nickname and start sparing. You and Steve have been sparing for almost an hour when things started getting fuzzy and the room started spinning. You realized you haven't eaten anything and you've been training for 4 hours straight. Steve stops sparing when he sees you starting to stumble over your own feet, your punches were getting sloppy and you just generally looked pale and out of it. "(Y/N), you ok? You don't look so good."  you look up at Steve "yeah, I'm fi-" in the middle of speaking you pass out hitting your head on the mat. Steve rushes over shaking you lightly "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?!!". He puts two fingers to your neck searching for a pulse, after finding your pulse he calls for help "J.A.R.V.I.S. alert Bruce that (Y/N) passed out while sparing and to meet us in the Med-bay" "right away Captain Rogers" the AI promptly responds. 

Steve gently picks you up bridal style and quickly brings you to the Med-bay. Bruce meets the two of you at the entrance "what the hell happened?" he asks. "we were sparing but she started looking really pale and her punches got sloppy, she was even stumbling over her own feet. I asked if she was ok and she was in the middle of saying she was fine when she passed out. She hit her head on the mat when she fell" "Ok I'll start some tests and get an IV in her to start her on some fluids to rule out dehydration" Bruce placed an IV in your arm before drawing some blood to run some tests on. All the tests came back negative and Bruce decided they needed to wait for you to wake up before they could do anything else. 

Your head was pounding and your body felt like it weighed 1,000 pounds. Slowly you opened your eyes only to wince at the bright lights. You looked over to your left to see Steve asleep in a chair beside you holding your hand. You started lightly squeezing his hand in an effort to wake him up. Steve eventually awoke from his slumber to find you awake squinting your eyes to let in as little light as you could with out having your eves closed. "Hey (Y/N), you had us pretty scared there for a minute" "what even happened?" you questioned. "You passed out while sparring with me this morning." you looked over to the side table to your right to look at the alarm clock seeing the time 4:33 being displayed. "I've been out almost all day?" you ask, "Yeah, that's why I said you had us scared (Y/N). All the tests Bruce ran came back negative, we didn't know when you were going to wake up." 

Bruce walked into the room with the rest of the team following close behind. "How are you feeling (Y/L/N)?" Tony asks "Like a million bucks, Stark." you reply sarcastically. "You scared us today (Y/N)" Bucky says "yeah I know Cap over here caught me up, I'm sorry for scaring you all." "Do you have any Idea what happened? What could have caused this? " Bruce asks. " I didn't eat anything before training... I also trained on my own for a few hours before sparing with Steve."    "(Y/N) why would you do that? How long were you training before sparring with Steve?" Bruce questioned further. "I went down to the gym at around 3:45 this morning because I couldn't sleep. I figured I'd catch up on the training I missed the other day. I guess getting something to eat slipped my mind" "you worked yourself too hard (Y/N), I want you to take it easy for the rest of the week, NO MISSIONS." Bruce orders. "Fine fine" you reply slightly rolling your eyes. 

"I want you to stay in the Med-bay for another 24 hours for observation and so we can keep you on fluids." Bruce says while pointing to the bag of fluids going into your IV line. "okay." you reply sleepily. "Ok everyone I know we all care and were worried about (Y/N) but lets leave her to get some rest" Steve said to everyone in the room. The rest of the team nods in agreement, all of them waving and bidding you a "goodbye" or a "get better soon" as they walk out the door Bucky, Wanda, and Natasha came up and hugged you before leaving. Once everyone was gone except Steve he turned to you saying" You really scared me today, Sweetheart" "I know I'm sorry Stevie". Steve Kissed your forehead before saying "Get some sleep, Doll. You're tired. I can tell from the look on that cute face of yours." making you blush slightly before closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep.

(A/N) Ahhhhh! My first imagine is done! This story came out at just under 1.4K words and I'm actually really proud of it. What do y'all think of it? 

Requests are always open comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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