Uh oh - Chris

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Summary: reader starts her period during a busy press day filled with interviews with some of the marvel cast. 

Warning:  Language, mentions of pain, and mentions of the female menstrual cycle. 

Avengers Infinity War has just been released which meant it was time for one of my favorite parts of working on movies... The press tour! I've always enjoyed press tours because I essentially get payed to travel the world, meet fans at conventions, answer questions, and usually play a few fun games with my cast mates. Usually during press tours you're grouped with some of your cast mates and you usually end up spending the whole tour with them. This time I lucked out and was put with Chris Evans who has been my boyfriend for the past 4 years, Sebastian Stan who's like an older brother to me, and Elizabeth Olsen who's one of my best friends. 

It was Monday and all 4 of us have a private jet to catch to fly us from L.A where the premier was yesterday to our first spot on the tour, which happened to be New York for Good Morning America and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. We had both of those interviews on Wednesday which gives us a day to just chill in New York. 

It was 12:00 which means we have an hour until we need to meet Sebastian and Lizzie at the airport. "(Y/N)!" I heard my boyfriend Chris yell from somewhere in our house " Yea Chris?!" I yell back. "Where are you?" he yells "In our room with Dodger!" I respond with. He comes into our shared bedroom a moment later seeing me on the floor doing some last minute packing with Dodger sitting by my side. "I thought you said you were all packed Sweetheart?"  "I am I'm just making sure I have everything I need, I feel like I'm forgetting something." I say looking up to meet his gaze. "What do you mean you feel like you've forgot something?" he asks raising an eyebrow. " I don't know I just feel like I'm forgetting something important, I'm probably just paranoid because we're going to be away for a while. Is Scott still going to watch Dodge?" "Yes Scott's still watching Dodge he's on his way to come get him as we speak." Chris's younger brother Scott volunteered to watch Dodger for us while we're on tour, which we were very grateful for.  

It was finally time for Chris and I to make our way to the airport and meet Lizzie and Sebastian. Scott had picked up Dodger about 30 minutes ago which was kind of sad because it's always hard for Chris and I to say goodbye to him but we know he's in good hands. Chris and I were seated on his car, he's driving us to the airport with one had on the steering wheel and one hand resting on my thigh. We were almost there when my phone started ringing, I looked to see it was Sebastian calling. I answered the phone  putting it on speaker phone so Chris could listen too. "Hello?" I say "hey loser are you and Chris almost here? We're going to leave without you." He says jokingly "omg you are such an impatient man child! we're pulling up as we speak!" I jokingly reply laughing as Chris chuckles next to me, Sebastian fake gasps before saying "I am not a man child!" He began laughing so hard I could barely understand him. "ok we're here we'll see you in a minute" I say as I hang up the phone as Chris parks the car and starts going to grab our bags from the trunk.

Chris holds my hand as we walk up to the lounge where Sebastian and Lizzie are waiting for us. "We're here losers!" I yell as Chris laughs at my bold entrance. Lizzie and Sebastian jump up to come hug Chris and I. "Finally! I thought we were going to have to leave you two behind!" Sebastian jokes while hugging me. Lizzie and I go off on our own and start catching up and talking about the premier while Seb and Chris talk about dude stuff on the other side of the room. A few moments pass before a flight attendant comes into the lounge saying that the jet has arrived and it was time for boarding. 

The flight is supposed to be about 5 and a half hours and we had been on the plane for 2 and I was already exhausted. I think Chris could tell I was starting to get tired and decided to speak up. "You ok Sweetheart? You're lookin pretty tired." "Yea I'm a little tired but I'll be okay." I say trying to hold back a yawn. Chris shakes his head lightly and comes to sit in the empty seat next to me  ( he had been sitting on the couch with Sebastian continuing their conversation from earlier in the lounge and also talking about football while Lizzie sat in the chair across from me and we talked about girly stuff)  Chris sat down next to me and listed the arm rest that was separating the two seats, "lay down Sweetheart. get some rest we have a busy few days coming up." he said patting his lap. I lay my head on his lap as he silently plays with my hair which is quickly put me to sleep. 

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