Kiss it better - Bucky (mini imagine)

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Summary: The reader gets a cut while cooking dinner 

Warnings: Language and mentions of blood 


Bucky just came home from a long mission so I decided to make him a warm home made meal to properly welcome him back home. He was in the shower cleaning up from his mission and I was in the kitchen cutting up some vegetables. I decided to make him some chicken noodle soup, but not just any chicken noodle soup, I was making his mom's recipe from the 40's. Steve got the recipe back when he had just became Captain America and gifted it to Bucky a few years ago. We only made the soup every once in a while because it takes a while to make but I knew it'd be worth it just to see the look on his face when he realizes it's his mom's recipe. 

I had some chicken broth boiling in the stock pot and I was finishing up cutting up the carrots and celery when I heard Bucky walk into the kitchen. "What are you up to doll?" I hear him ask "Just making you some special soup, figured you'd want a nice warm meal after coming home from that long mission." He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me from behind and nuzzled his face into my neck making me smile and chuckle slightly as I grabbed another stock of celery to began cutting it. I glanced over at the pot of chicken broth to see if it was boiling when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my finger. 

While I was distracted I accidentally cut open my finger "Shit!" I say as I drop the knife into the cutting board and use my now free hand to hold my now bleeding hand. I feel Bucky move from his nuzzled position to see what happened "What happened doll?!" He says as he grabs my hand to investigate "I accidentally sliced myself when I was distracted by the chicken broth on the stove." Bucky lightly shakes his head  "What am I gonna do with you my clumsy little doll? Here hold this to your cut" he says as he grabs and hands me a wad of paper towels "I'm gonna go grab the first aid kit." He leaves to go get the first aid kit leaving me in the kitchen holding the towels over my fresh wound for dear life. 

A few moments later Bucky returned with the first aid kit that we kept in or bathroom "Here doll let me see your cut" he said as he moved my hand away from the paper towel. He used his metal hand to hold my cut hand in place as he removed the towel from my cut using a dry part of the paper towel to wipe up some of the excess blood around the cut to see how big it was. "That's a nice cut you got there doll. Luckily I don't think it needs stitches or anything extreme like that." I nod as he begins to dig through the first aid kit to find some band-aids. Soon he found a band-aid big enough to fit the cut and placed it on my hand and gently as he could. "Ok doll you're all better!" He said as he began cleaning up the bloody towels and the wrapper from the band-aid "wait no I'm not!" I say which gets his attention "what do you mean doll? Did you get another cut I didn't see?" I shake my head before saying "no... you didn't kiss it better." Bucky giggles at my childishness before grabbing my hand and placing multiple little kisses on and around where I got cut "There now you're all better." He said before kissing my temple. 

I was able to finish making the soup in a timely manner and the two of us were able to sit down and enjoy our dinner without any other hiccups. Bucky was happily surprised to find that I had made his mom's recipe for chicken noodle soup and was sure to thank me multiple times through out the night. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow because tomorrow night is my homecoming game for my high school and  me and a few of my friends are going to it! If I do post it will be later at night and if I don't then I'll post something on Saturday! Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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