Sick day- Stucky

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I decided to write another StuckyXfemale!reader because I got this idea while writing the other one! 

Summary: Reader wakes up sick so Bucky and Steve take care of her 

Possible Trigger Warning: Mentions of Throwing up, fever and other flu like symptoms 

"Good morning baby girl" I hear Bucky say as he rubs my back slowly waking me up from my deep slumber. "Mmmm" I hum against his chest as him and Steve chuckle. I roll over so I'm laying on my back and immediately hear both of my boys gasp "baby girl do you feel okay?! You're really pale!" Steve says as he puts his hand on my forehead checking for a fever and immediately feeling me burning up. "You're burning up sweetheart! Buck feel how warm she is." Steve says as Bucky puts his real hand on my forehead and cheek to feel what Steve felt "Oh doll" Bucky says sadly feeling how high my temperature was. Steve left the room and went into our shared bathroom to look for a thermometer, he returns to our bed with one in hand moments later "Can you open your mouth for me sweetheart?" I open my mouth just enough for him to place the thermometer in my mouth under my tongue. After a few moments the thermometer beeps letting us know it was done, Bucky takes it out of my mouth to look at what it says. "Oh baby doll" Bucky says sadly after seeing what my temp was "what is it Buck?" Steve asks wanting to know how high the fever is "102.6" Bucky says sadly while softly brushing a few pieces of hair out of my face. "awww Buck our girl is sick" "I know Stevie, I guess that means we're going to have to take care of her. Reminds me of when you were always getting sick back in the day" Bucky says slightly smirking at the last bit of what he said making Steve lightly blush and roll his eyes.

Eventually Steve and Bucky were ready to get out of bed but they didn't want to leave me out of their sight so Bucky ended up picking me up bridal style and carrying me out to the couch in the living room so they can keep an eye on me. As Bucky was carrying me I noticed my stomach starting to hurt, it wasn't terrible so I didn't say anything. "Do you want anything to eat (Y/N)? Do you have an appetite?" Steve asks I shake my head no Steve sighs and kisses my temple before going back into the kitchen. 

Steve and Bucky return with plates of food in their hands " I know you said you're not hungry but You're going to need to eat something so we can give you some medicine to lower that nasty fever" Steve said placing a plate of buttered toast on my lap. "can you try and eat a few bites for us sweetheart?" Bucky asks. I lift a piece of the toast to my mouth but the second I smell it I gag, Bucky and Steve immediately look over and see me try and take a bite again but I gag once again but this time I immediately get up and make a mad dash for the bathroom Bucky and Steve get up and race behind me. I kneel in front of the toilet as Bucky comes up behind me and holds my hair back rubbing my back as I sit there dry heaving and gagging but not bringing anything up. 

I start crying from the pain in my stomach and the frustration of not being able to get anything out. Steve leaves the bathroom and returns a minute later with a cold wash rag and a bottle of water. Bucky moves my hair to the side so Steve can put the cold rag around my neck. I eventually move back from the toilet to get a drink of water "Small sips sweetheart" Steve says holding the water bottle with a straw up to my mouth. The second I take a drink I lurch forward and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. "there you go, good girl. Get it all out" Bucky says rubbing my back. A few minutes later I move away from the toilet and sit with my  back against Buckys chest "Do you think you got it all out?" Steve asks. I nod, Steve picks me up and brings me back into our shared bedroom. "Get some rest sweetheart. You need it" 

(A/N) I feel like the ending was really abrupt but I couldn't think of a better way to end it without the story getting really long. Thanks for reading!

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your idea or request and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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