When you're sick (actors)

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(possible TW: Mentions of sickness and medicine)

Chris Evans- When you get sick Chris is by your side for anything you may need, he had crackers, apple juice, extra blankets, tissues, literally anything you need Chris has for you within minutes. He is constantly checking your temperature to see if you were running a fever. He was staying on top of your medicines and making sure you're taking them on time (even the ones you dislike). And of course he is there with love and cuddles.

Sebastian Stan- When you're sick Seb makes you a comfy spot on the couch so that way he can keep and eye on you from almost anywhere in you guys' apartment. He is constantly checking on how you feel, asking if anything hurts, if you're too hot or too cold. He makes this really good soup when you're sick that his mom used to make when he got sick as a kid and you would happily get sick just to be able to eat that soup. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or just when ever you're reading this! I don't feel like this chapter was as good as some of my others but I also feel like I had to get something out because I'm going to try and write another imagine today and those can take a little bit longer to write, edit and publish then these preferences do. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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