Fall walks - Steve

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Summary: Steve and the reader take a nice walk through Central Park 

Warnings: none

"(Y/NNNN) come on! It will be fun!" Steve said as he walked behind me following me into the living room. He was currently trying to convince me to go on a walk with him even though I had just got done with training with Natasha. "Steve hun I just got done training with Nat, I'm tireddddd." I said dragging out the last syllable in tired. "Please come with me! It will be fun and I'll carry you so you don't have to walk!" He was really trying to get me to go. "Fine, let me go take a quick shower, change and get my shoes on." "Yayyy thanks sweetheart!" He said pressing multiple kisses to my face before letting me go get changed. 

I walked into my room to grab some clothes to change into after I take a quick shower. I walked into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom and took a quick shower just to freshen up from training and changed into some leggings and one of Steve's hoodies which looked huge on me. I walked back into the living room to see Steve looking through this mornings paper. Even though I showed him how to access the virtual version on his phone he still insisted on going and getting a physical copy of the daily paper every morning after his run with Sam and Bucky. "Ready to go?" I ask seeing as he didn't notice I had walked in. "Yep!" He stood up and walked over to me and held out his hand for me to hold. We both walked to the front entrance and grabbed our sneakers from the shoe closet. Once both of us had shoes on Steve motioned for me to jump on to his back so he could carry me. I didn't think he was being serious when he said he'd give me a piggy back ride the whole time so I didn't have to walk but I guess he was. 

He started walking the short distance to Central Park once we arrived I told him he could let me down, I didn't want him to feel like he had to carry me the whole time even though he offered to. He let me down and I grabbed his hand interlocking his big one with my smaller one. We walked through Central Park like this, holding each others hand and just enjoying each other's company. 

Central Park was beautiful at this time of year, the leaves on the trees were starting to change colors and were gently falling off the trees and laying on the ground around the trees and the sidewalk. The crunch of the leaves from under us was a satisfying sound. The sun was also setting meaning everything had a beautiful golden glow to it. 

Soon we had walked all through Central Park and decided to start walking back to the tower. We had decided to take the long way just to have a little more time to ourselves. On the way back we passed a drink truck that was selling hot apple cider so we decided to get some. We walked the nice way home drinking our apple cider and looking at all the beautiful lights. We had turned a corner and we're greeted by a street corner that had been decorated with twinkle lights and light instrumental music playing. Steve grabbed my apple cider from my hand and placed it on a table that was near by before grabbing my hand and slow dancing with me right there in the street corner. As the song was ending both of us leaned in and gently kissed under the stars and twinkle lights. 

(A/N) Good morning/ afternoon/ evening or whenever you're reading this! I got this idea after seeing that the leaves in the forest behind my house were starting to change colors. If you haven't picked up on it yet I'm a HUGE fan of fall and Halloween so you can expect more fall/Halloween themed imagines and it gets closer! Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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