What they do when you're sick (characters)

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(TW)- Mentions of Throwing up and Medicines! If any of those trigger you feel free to skip this chapter! 

Steve Rogers- The second he finds out you're sick he goes full mama bear mode. Due to the serum he can't get sick so he is by your side the entire time you're sick. He will go and get or do anything for you just to make his best girl feel better. One time Natasha had given you a nasty flu bug and the second Steve found you in your bathroom throwing up he was by your side holding your hair back. When you were done throwing up he picked you up and placed you in your bed, placing a small trash can by your side in case you were sick again. He soon returned to your room with a tray of various meds, teas, tissues, soup and pretty much anything else you could have needed, and due to the fact that he couldn't get sick you could get some nice Stevie cuddles... Let's just say you were nursed back to health in no time. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- Back in the 40's Steve was a pretty sickly boy and after his parents died Bucky spent a lot of time taking care of him. The first time you got sick around Bucky he instantly went into doctor mode, he immediately put his real hand to your forehead to feel for a fever. After feeling your forehead and feeling that you were pretty warm he ran to the bathroom to get some fever reducing medicine. After giving you the medicine (and making sure you actually took it because he knows you hate how it tastes) he went to the kitchen to make you some tea and some soup. Due to him having a variant of the serum that Steve has he also can't get sick so you two spent the day on the couch cuddling.    

(A/N) Hey y'all!! Just a cute fluffy chapter for ya. Probably gonna try and get 2-3 more out today because I have a bunch of time (and to make up for my absence last week). I'm not busy at all this week so I'll be publishing a chapter or two every day! Feel free to send in any preference or imagine requests! Thanks for reading!

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