What they do when you randomly hug them (characters)

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Steve Rogers- 

-Instantly hugs you back

-asks if you're okay

-holds you for as long as you need no questions asked

-gives little forehead and temple kisses

James "Bucky" Barnes-

-Hugs you back but is slightly hesitant because of his metal arm

-eventually wraps both of his arms around you 

-won't admit it but he really needed the hug too so he holds you for as long as he can

-later in the day he asks if you're okay

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever your're reading this. I wrote this because honestly I need a hug. I have so much going on right now but I feel like I can't talk to anyone in my family about it because it's between me and my "best friend" and someone who used to be my "best friend". I was going to make a book just for me to write and rant out how I feel but idk if I'm going to. I'm going to do an actors edition so that will be posted momentarily. Thanks for reading.

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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