First Day!

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First day of senior year. I smile to myself as I walk to the Barker Center.

"There's my favorite student!" A voice yells.

I turn and smile as I see my Spanish Professor Mr. Gonzalez. "Hola profesor,"

Mr. Gonzalez smiles as he stands in front of me. "I was just talking about you." He smiles. "I'd like for you to meet Professor Gadot." He smiles.

My jaw drops slightly as I look at the gorgeous woman standing in front of me. I quickly close my mouth and smile. "Atlas Ramirez," I smile as I extend a hand to the woman.

The woman smiles as she shakes my hand. "Gal Gadot."

Atlas smiles as she hears Gal's accent. "What class do you teach Professor Gadot?" I ask.

"Anthropology," Professor Gadot smiles.

"Really?" Atlas smiles. "I'm actually taking an anthropology class this semester."

Gal smiles. "Well I hope to see you in my class." She smiles.

Atlas smiles. "Well I have to before I'm late." She sighs.

"Don't need my favorite senior to be late on her first day." Professor Gonzalez smiles.

Atlas laughs. "See you later Professor Gonzalez," She turns and walks away.

"She's a senior?" Gal asks.

"Yes," Professor Gonzalez smiles. "She's my class aid." He smiles. "After I begged her for the past two years." He laughs.

Gal laughs. "Well I'm excited to see how she is in your class." She smiles.

10:00 am===================================Boylston Hall - Harvard University

Atlas smiles as she waves at some of the students walking into class.

"Good Morning class," Professor Gonzalez smiles as he stands in front of his desk. "This is an advanced class, so usually I would be speaking to you all in spanish, but today we have a new professor sitting in, everyone say hello to Professor Gadot."

Professor Gadot smiles as she waves.

"Did Professor Gonzalez drag you into this?" Atlas whispers.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "Kind of." She laughs silently.

Atlas rolls her eyes. "I've told him he needs to stop, but he always wants to show me off." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she opens her mouth to say something, but Professor Gonzalez calls on Atlas.

"Atlas, ¿qué es lo que te encanta de vivir aquí en Cambridge?" Professor Gonzalez asks. *Atlas, what's something you love about living here in Cambridge?*

Atlas laughs. "Cambridge es hermosa, pero preferiría estar en Miami porque siempre hace sol. Aquí llueve demasiado." She smiles as the students laugh.

"What did he say?" Gal asks.

"He asked what's something I love about living here in Cambridge and I said it's beautiful here, but I'd prefer to be in Miami because it's always sunny." Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles. "So you're from Miami?" She whispers.

"Yes," Atlas smiles. "Born and raised there."

"That explains your accent." Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas's face.

Atlas smiles. "Where is your accent from?" She asks.

Gal smiles. "I'm from Israel."

"Oh wow," Atlas smiles. "Your accent is beautiful."

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