Let's see what we can do

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Atlas smiles as she stands in the back of Gal's lecture hall watching her teach. She starts walking down towards Gal as she dismisses her students.

"Atlas Ramirez?" A voice says from behind her.

"Hi." Atlas smiles as she turns.

"I had heard you were back, but I didn't believe it." Another student smiles.

"Believe it." Atlas says as she jumps off the last steps in front of Gal's desk.

Gal glances up and smiles as she sees Atlas. "You look so cute." She stands and walks over to Atlas. "I'm jealous you get to wear joggers and sweatshirts all the time." She pouts.

Atlas smiles as she hugs Gal. "Don't be too jealous, I have an 8AM workout every morning now." She sighs.

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "You've missed being on that soccer field."

"I have." Atlas smiles. "You know what I'm really excited about?" She asks.

"What?" Gal smiles.

"Coming home smelling like a teenage boy and kissing you all over your face." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's face.

"Ew no." Gal laughs as she hides her face in Atlas' chest. "I will not be kissing you until you take a shower." She points.

"You're no fun." Atlas fake pouts.

Gal shakes her head as she kisses Atlas. "I have a class to teach." She motions to her students starting to walk in.

"Am I distracting you Ms. Gadot?" Atlas smirks.

Gal rolls her eyes as she pecks Atlas one last time. "Yes you are, now leave please." She smiles as she pushes Atlas away. "I love you."

Atlas smiles as she starts walking up the stairs. "I love you more." She chuckles as she runs up the stairs.


Atlas stops and turns. "Emilia." She says tight lipped.

Emilia smiles as she stands in front of Atlas. "I was wondering if Ms. Gadot told you I-"

"She told me." Atlas nods. "You aren't on the soccer team though." She crosses her arms. "You've never been on the soccer team."

Emilia stammers. "I... I know... I just-"

"Stay away from Gal." Atlas looks at Emilia. "If you mess with her in any type of way I will call the police on you and file a restraining order."

Emilia nods silently as Atlas turns and walks away from her.

Atlas sighs as she walks back towards Gal's lecture hall. She quietly walks in and down the side steps as Gal lectures. She catches Gal's eye as she steps into her office.

"So for the rest of class time you are to start on your essays." Gal says as she stands in front of her class. "If you have any questions feel free to come over to my office." She smiles as she hastily walks into her office. "What's wrong baby?" She whispers.

"Emilia." Atlas huffs as she paces. "That bitch." She mumbles. "She won't stop. I know she won't." She looks at Gal. "I know she'll stop at nothing to get between me and you."

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck. "No matter what happens, Emilia will never get between me and you."

Atlas sighs as she melts into Gal. "I know how Emilia is. She won't stop. She seems so innocent, but she's a fucking psycho bitch." She growls.

"Shhh." Gal rubs Atlas' back. "Calm down." She pulls back and looks at Atlas. "I know you're scared and you want to protect me, but Emilia is just a girl who has a crush." She smiles. "Don't get so worked up over her."

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