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"Good Morning," Gal mumbles as she kisses Atlas's forehead.

Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's hips and pulls her against her chest. "Good Morning," She smiles as she kisses Gal.

"I can't believe you're about to graduate." Gal smiles.

"I know," Atlas smiles. "Why the sad look babe?" She asks.

"I just don't want you to leave me." Gal shrugs. "The thought has been on my mind lately." She sighs.

"Why do you think that?" Atlas asks.

"You're about to graduate and start your life." Gal smiles. "You aren't going to stay here in Cambridge the rest of your life."

Atlas sighs as she kisses Gal. "Once I graduate I don't plan on doing anything until I'm 100% ready to commit." She smiles. "The first thing I would like to do after I graduate is go to Miami and see my family." She smiles. "And I was hoping you would come with me so I can introduce you to them."

"You want me to meet your family?" Gal asks.

"Yes," Atlas nods. "That's the only thing I want right now." She smiles. "Jobs and moving haven't crossed my mind because all I want is to be with you."

Gal smiles as she rubs her thumb on Atlas's cheek. "What will your parents think?" She asks.

Atlas shrugs. "What they think doesn't matter. All they want is for me to be happy." She smiles. "And they know I'm the happiest I've ever been because they can tell something has changed."

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "If I agree to meet your parents, you have to agree to meet mine."

Atlas smiles. "That's a deal I will happily agree to."

========================================== 1 week later

"Happy birthday," Atlas mumbles as she kisses Gal's neck.

Gal smiles as she stretches and snuggles closer to Atlas. "It's so early." She mumbles.

"Wanted to be the first person to tell you." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal.

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "Thank you." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "Okay we can go back to sleep."

Gal smiles as she closes her eyes. "What did you get me for my birthday?" She asks.

Atlas smiles. "I decided I wanted to eat you out and try to make you cum 34 times." She smirks as Gal looks at her wide eyes.

"That's hot babe." Gal smiles.

Atlas laughs. "But we'll do that in a little while cause I'm still sleepy."

Gal shakes her head. "You tease me too much."

===================================== Graduation Day

"We're done Frankie!" Atlas yells as she jumps into Frankie's arms.

Frankie laughs as he spins Atlas around. "We made it through 4 years of hell."

Atlas smiles as she sees Gal out of the corner of her eye. "Keep me in contact." She smiles as Frankie sets her down. "You are an amazing friend."

"Of course,' Frankie smiles as he hugs Atlas. "Give me updates on your girl." He motions to Gal.

Atlas smiles. "Of course," She laughs. "I'll see you when I see you." She smiles as she turns and walks towards Gal.

"You did it," Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas's neck and kisses her.

"I did it," Atlas smiles. "Let's go." She grabs Gal's hand.

"Are you sure your parents are still okay with me coming?" Gal asks as Atlas leads her to her car.

"Yes," Atlas laughs. "My mom and dad are so excited to meet you." She smiles.

Gal sighs. "I'm just nervous."

Atlas smiles as she unlocks her BMW. "Don't be nervous." She smiles. "My family is going to love you."


I pieced these together because they were all very short. I hope you enjoyed them!

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