Do you tutor?

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September 17th, 2019 - Tuesday - 3:00 pm - Tozzer Building - Harvard Uni.

Atlas smiles as she walks into the back of Gal's lecture hall. She rests against the wall as she listens to her girlfriend teaching. She waves as Gal notices her. She shakes her head as Gal motions for her to come down.

"So you all have until Friday night at midnight to submit your papers." Gal smiles as Atlas walks past her and sits on her desk. "If any of you have any questions before you leave feel free to come up front and speak with me." She smiles. "You're all dismissed."

Atlas smiles as Gal walks over to her. "Hi baby." She laughs as Gal squeezes her hands and turns around to talk to one of her students.

"Yes, feel free to send me a draft." Gal smiles. "See you tomorrow." She turns and looks at Atlas. "You're gonna help me grade all of these papers this weekend." She smiles as she rests her hands on Atlas' knees.

"Noted." Atlas smiles as a tall light skin guy walks over to Gal.

"Professor Gadot," The boy smiles.

"Nathan," Gal smiles.

"I was wondering if you were a tutor?" Nathan asks with a smile.

"Not really," Gal smiles as she backs between Atlas' legs. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just struggling with some of the terms and I think some one on one time would really help me." Nathan smiles flirtatiously.

Gal nods as she feels Atlas' put her hands on her hips. "I can refer you to one of my adjunct professors." She smiles.

"I would prefer you." Nathan takes a step closer to Gal.

Gal smiles as she rests her back against Atlas. "If you're trying to get into my pants Nathan, I'm sorry to say you aren't my type." She smiles as Atlas holds her hips and rests her chin on her shoulder.

"She's taken," Atlas raises an eyebrow at Nathan.

"Oh," Nathan steps back as he looks at Atlas. "This is your girlfriend?" He asks.

"Atlas Ramirez," Atlas extends a hand.

"Soccer champ Atlas Ramirez?" Nathan smiles as he shakes Atlas' hand.

"You've heard of me." Atlas smiles as Gal rests her hands on her thighs.

"Everyone knows who you are." Nathan smiles. "I'm sorry for hitting on your girl."

Atlas smiles. "I'm used to it." She laughs. "Have a good day Nathan."

"You two as well." Nathan smiles as he walks out of the lecture hall.

"The boys this year are really trying to get into my pants." Gal smiles as she turns around and wraps her arms around Atlas' neck.

"So I pick you up everyday now?" Atlas asks.

Gal smiles. "If that will ease your mind." She kisses Atlas.

Atlas smiles. "Movie night?" She asks.

"Whatever you want to do baby." Gal smiles. "Whatever you want to do."


I know this is short update, but I've been really busy with school, so bare with me. :)

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