Welcome to Miami

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"Exhausted," Atlas yawns as she holds Gal's hand.

"Mmhm," Gal mumbles.

"Hi Ben," Atlas smiles as she waves at a man who takes her bags. "Ben is my parents driver." She smiles as she opens the door to the GWagon for Gal.

Gal smiles as she climbs into the GWagon. "Oh wow,"

"Up Zeus," Atlas says as Zeus hops into the passenger's seat. "Safe." She pats Zeus as she buckles him in. "However," She smiles as she climbs into the back seat with Gal. "We're staying at my house."

"You own a house?" Gal asks.

"Yes," Atlas smiles. "When I was 18 I bought a house here in Miami." She smiles as Ben starts driving them towards her house. "Every summer I've worked on it and it's pretty much done now."

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "I'm always learning something new about you." She shakes her head.

Atlas laughs. "Gal, Ben,"

"It's nice to meet you ma'am," Ben smiles.

"You too Ben." Gal smiles.

"Who all is here for the party Ben?" Atlas asks.

"All of your tias and tios," Ben smiles as he drives. "Your grandmother and grandfather."

Atlas smiles. "The whole family," She shakes her head. "My dad must've told everyone I was bringing someone home." She looks at Gal.

"Oh he did." Ben laughs.

Gal smiles nervously as Atlas holds her hand.

"You don't have to be nervous," Atlas smiles as Ben pulls into her driveway.

"This is your house?" Gal says as Ben parks the car.

"Yep," Atlas smiles as she hops out of the car. "Come on Zeus," She smiles as she gets Zeus out. "Gal," She holds a hand out for Gal.

Gal smiles as she grabs Atlas' hand.

Atlas smiles as she walks up to the front door. "Make yourself at home." She smiles as Gal as she opens the door.

Gal smiles as she follows Zeus into the house.

Atlas smiles as she and Ben walk into the house with the luggage. "Thank you Ben," She pats his back.

"You're welcome Atlas," Ben smiles. "See you tomorrow."

"Yes," Atlas smiles as she locks the front door and walks over to Gal in the living room. "What do you think?" She asks as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist.

"I love it." Gal smiles. "It's you."

Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's hand. "You haven't even seen the bedroom yet." She smiles as she grabs their bags.

"Let me carry one," Gal laughs.

"No, I got it." Atlas smiles. "Follow me."

Gal smiles as she follows Atlas down the hallway past the kitchen. "So the house is in an L shape?" She asks.

"Yes," Atlas smiles. "Only the master is down this hallway." She pushes open the door at the end of the hall.

"Wow," Gal smiles. "It's beautiful."

Atlas smiles as she walks behind the bed to the closet. "What side do you want?" She asks.

Gal walks behind the bed and her jaw drops as she looks at the huge closet. "You pick." She looks at Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she walks over to Gal and wraps her arms around her. "We can make that decision later." She kisses Gal.

Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas back. "I'm so tired."

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