Making plans

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"You're so tan now baby." Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas tanning.

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "You are too."

Gal lays next to Atlas on her towel. "Miami is way better than Cambridge." She sighs.

Atlas smiles. "How long are you going to teach at Harvard?" She asks.

"Well," Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "I wasn't planning on leaving for awhile, but that was before I met you." She laughs as Atlas winks at her. "So now I'm thinking about two more semesters."

"So next spring?" Atlas asks.

"Yes," Gal nods.

"Hmm," Atlas nods. "If you want to continue to work at Harvard that's fine with me Gal." She looks at Gal. "I don't care where we are as long as we're together." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she leans forward and kisses Atlas. "Cambridge is cold," She smiles. "I would prefer somewhere warmer."

Atlas nods. "California?" She asks.

"I've never been." Gal shrugs. "What's it like?" She asks.

"It's not like Miami." Atlas smiles. "Or we could do something crazy."

Gal smiles. "I love crazy."

"We could move to Hawaii." Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles. "It's warm, there's beaches..." She smiles as she looks at Atlas' face. "I'm down for whatever babe."

Atlas smiles. "Let's not worry about it." She sighs. "We'll decide when it's time."

May 18th, 2019 - Saturday - 10:00 am - MIA - Miami, FL

"You look so tired," Gal says as she rubs Atlas' face.

"I'm exhausted." Atlas smiles as Gal holds her head in her hands.

"You're sad too," Gal kisses Atlas' cheek. "Don't say you aren't." She smiles.

Atlas sighs. "I'll miss my family, but I'm excited to meet yours." She smiles.

Gal smiles as Atlas kisses her. "I'm excited for you to meet my family too."

*Flight 114 to Tel Aviv is now boarding*

Atlas smiles as she and Gal stand. "12 hours to go."

May 19th, 2019 - Sunday - 5:00 am - Ben Gurion Airport - Tel Aviv, Israel

"Thank you," Gal smiles as she and Atlas get into their uber.

"I can't wait to sleep in a bed." Atlas mumbles as she stretches.

Gal smiles. "Did you know I have an apartment here?" She asks.

"No," Atlas shakes her head.

"Well that's where we're staying." Gal smiles as Atlas wraps an arm around her.

"Good," Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles as the uber driver pulls into her apartment building. "Thank you sir," She says as she and Atlas get out of the car.

Atlas grabs her and Gal's bags and follows Gal into the apartment building.

"Hi Albert," Gal smiles as she waves at the doorman.

"Hello Mrs. Gadot." Albert smiles.

Atlas smiles as she follows Gal into the elevator. "20th floor?" She laughs.

"What?" Gal smiles.

"I'm impressed." Atlas smiles.

Gal laughs as she grabs Atlas' face and kisses her. "Always trying to impress you baby."

Atlas rolls her eyes as they step out of the elevator. "We're on the ocean?" She smiles as she looks out the window while Gal unlocks her apartment.

"Yeah," Gal smiles as she opens the front door.

Atlas smiles as she walks into the apartment. "This place is almost as beautiful as you."

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "I'll give you the tour later." She yawns.

"Fine by me," Atlas smiles as she follows Gal to the Master bedroom.

Gal smiles as she closes the blinds. "Come to bed with me baby."

Atlas smiles as she climbs into the bed with Gal. "Goodnight smiley."

"Smiley?" Gal laughs.

"My new nickname for you," Atlas sighs as Gal lays her head on her chest.

Gal giggles. "Okay... dimples."

11:00 am====================================Gal's Apartment - Tel Aviv, Israel

Gal smiles as she watches Atlas sleep next to her. She traces her fingers along Atlas' back. She giggles as she watches a chill go through Atlas' body.

"Really?" Atlas mumbles.

Gal laughs as Atlas sits up on her elbows and looks at her. "You're adorable in the mornings." She smiles.

Atlas smiles sleepily as she lays her head back down Gal's chest. "What do you have planned for today?" She asks.

"Nothing," Gal hums as she traces circles on Atlas' back. "I told my parents we weren't coming in until today."

Atlas laughs as she lifts her head and looks at Gal. "So we can spend the whole day catching up on sleep?" She asks.

"Duh," Gal smiles.

Atlas sighs. "Thank god."


I'm just going to keep combining the smaller chapters that are back to back to make them longer. I hope you all enjoyed!

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