Healing takes time

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Gal sighs as she watches Atlas from the Kitchen as she and all of the other daughter-in-laws cook in the Kitchen.

"She'll be okay." Hayden, Milan's wife, says as she rubs Gal's back. "I know compared to all of the boys she's going through it even worse, but she's definitely stronger than the boys." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she washes her hands. "She's a fighter, that's for sure." She sighs as Atlas walks into the Kitchen. "Hi baby." She smiles.

Atlas walks over to Gal and wraps her arms around her waist. "Will you come and sit with me?" She asks.

"Of course." Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas' forehead. "Come on." She leads Atlas back into the Living Room. She sits on the couch and Atlas immediately crawls into her arms. "Are you okay?" She whispers.

"I just wanted you to hold me." Atlas replies in a monotone voice.

"Okay..." Gal rubs Atlas' back as she listens to Milan tell a story about his dad.

"I remember Papi laughing so hard he fell out of his chair." Milan and his brothers laugh. "You know papi loved laughing." He smiles. "That's all he ever did."

Lana chuckles as she watches her sons talk about their father. "The one thing I loved about your father was that he always made sure to spend time one on one with each of you." She smiles. "He loved you all so much." She sniffs.

Atlas sniffs as she lays on Gal. "I miss him." She mumbles.

"We all do." Orlando sighs as he looks at Atlas. "I wasn't ready for Papi to die."

"How can you be ready for someone you love to die?" Nile asks. "You don't know when you're going to die... you can never prepare yourself for the death of a loved one."

"I wanna go home." Atlas sits up.

"What?" Gal frowns. "We're spending time together as a family today." She lays a hand on Atlas' back. "Today was your father's funeral Atlas, we need to all be together today."

Atlas shakes her head. "I want to go home." She stands. "Mami, brothers, it was nice hanging out and talking about Papi, but I'm not ready to talk about him yet." She sniffs. She looks back at Gal as she wipes the tears from her eyes. "Baby, please take me home."


After Gal took Atlas home, Atlas disappeared in their bedroom. Gal knew Atlas needed her own time to cope with the loss of her father, so she kept her distance and finished putting together one of the book shelves in her office.

After a couple of hours, Gal started to get hungry, so she went to check on Atlas. "Baby?" She peeks her head into their room. She smiles as she sees Atlas sitting on their bed playing her Xbox. "Atlas," She calls as she walks into the bedroom.

Atlas smiles as she sees Gal walking towards her. "Hi baby," She takes her headset off. "What's up?" She asks as she continues to play her video game.

"I'm getting hungry and I was wondering if you wanted something to eat?" Gal asks as she lays next to Atlas on their bed.

Atlas leans down and kisses Gal's forehead as she plays her video game. "I could eat." She nods. "What sounds good to you?" She asks.

"Hmm..." Gal hums as she watches Atlas. "Pasta"

Atlas smiles as she pauses her game and looks at Gal. "Can we cook together?" She asks.

"Of course!" Gal smiles as she sits up.

"Let's go!" Atlas grabs Gal's hand and leads her down stairs.

Gal smiles as Atlas leads her down stairs. "I've missed cooking with you." She sighs as they walk into the Kitchen.

"Me too." Atlas smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "I'm sorry I've been so... weird." She sighs.

"Hey," Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "You don't have to apologize. Your father just died, you are heartbroken. Everyone copes with death differently." She rubs Atlas' back. "I love you."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "I love you more." She chuckles as she rubs Gal's belly. "I should feed you and my child now."

Gal smiles as Atlas starts preparing to make their pasta. "Happy mommy, happy baby." She sits at the island.

Atlas shakes her head as she looks at Gal. "Happy wife, happy life." She laughs as Gal throws one of her shoes at her. "I'm just speaking the truth babe."

Gal smiles as she eyes Atlas. "Just fix the pasta please, I'm hungry."


I guess I update on Wednesdays now lol Happy Wednesday!

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