Honesty is the best policy

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"Babe," Gal mumbles as she throws an arm over Atlas. "Your daughter."

"I know," Atlas groans as she stands. "She's your daughter too y'know." She mumbles as she walks out of their bedroom. She walks across the hall and into Jordan's nursery. "What is wrong with my baby girl?" She yawns as she lifts Jordan into her arms. "Shhh" She whispers as she bounces Jordan in her arms. She grabs a bottle out of the mini fridge and puts it in the warmer. "Mommy doesn't want you getting into the bad habit of sleeping with us." She says as Jordan watches her. "I don't think it's that big of a deal, but you know mommy wears the pants around here."

Atlas grabs the bottle from the warmer and sits in the rocking chair. "Here ya go." She hums as she feeds Jordan. "You eat just like your mommy." She smirks as she watches Jordan eat. She yawns as Jordan finishes her bottle. "Burp for me Jordy." She says as lifts Jordan and leans her over her shoulder. "Momma would really like to get a few more hours of sleep before your mommy decides it's time to get up." She groans as she looks at the clock. "Good girl." She chimes as she pats Jordan's bottom. She hums as she rocks Jordan and watches her eyes close. "Shhh" She stands and carefully lays Jordan down in her crib.

Atlas quietly walks out of Jordan's nursery and back into her and Gal's bedroom. She yawns as she climbs back into bed. She groans as Gal throws herself into her side. "Ow, babe."

"Missed you." Gal mumbles as she pushes her face into Atlas neck.

Atlas smiles as she wraps an arm around Gal's waist. "I've spoiled you with all of this one on one time."

Gal smiles as Atlas kisses her cheek. "We've never just spent time with each other without having an end time because of commitments." She sits up and looks at Atlas. "I love getting to spend all of my time with our daughter and watching her grow before my eyes everyday. Waking up to your beautiful face and actually being able to spend time with the both of you in the morning." She smiles as she kisses Atlas. "If this is what being spoiled feels like, then yes, I am spoiled."

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal. "All I want is to make you happy, baby." She hums as Gal kisses her neck. "When you're happy, I'm happy."


Atlas pants as she walks on the treadmill. She bobs her head to the music as she picks up her pace.

Gal watches in the doorway as Atlas breaks into a run. She winces as she hears Atlas gasp in pain and suddenly stop the treadmill.

"How is she?" Lana whispers as she walks up behind Gal.

"She's still in pain, but she won't say anything about it." Gal sighs as she turns and walks into the kitchen. "I don't know what to do, Lana. Ever since the accident she doesn't talk to me about things that bother her or if she's hurting." She covers her face as she leans against the counter.

Lana lays a hand on Gal's arm as she cradles Jordan in her other arm. "Atlas has always been like this." She sighs. "When she's hurt she tends to block it out by being overly loving and caring towards the people she loves." She looks Gal in the eyes. "Sit down with her and have a heart to heart with her about it. Once she knows you know she's hurting she'll confess and go get the help she needs." She smiles. "Don't worry so much, Gal. She's a pain in the ass and stubborn as hell, but for you she'll fess up to anything."

Gal smiles. "You're right. When should I try to talk to her?" She asks.

"Before bed," Lana pats Jordan's back. "She'll be ready to chat about your days and you can slip it into the conversation."

Gal nods. " Okay," She smiles as she rubs Jordan's back. "I'll talk to her tonight after dinner."


"Dinner was delicious, baby." Atlas says as she climbs into bed and wraps her arms around Gal.

"Thank you," Gal smiles as Atlas kisses her. "How was work today?" She asks.

"Pretty boring." Atlas smiles. "I checked charts all day and ran statistics." She yawns.

"Sounds so boring." Gal giggles as Atlas tickles her sides. "I spent time with your mom today."

"Really? You should've texted me and told me she was here." Atlas smiles. "What did you two talk about?" She asks.

"The struggles of motherhood, how I'm missing my parents, you." Gal shrugs.

"Me?" Atlas smiles. "Why were you talking about me?" She asks.

"I just worry about you." Gal sighs. "She told me not to worry so much, but I can't help it." She smiles.

"Why are you worried about me, baby?" Atlas asks..

"I've noticed how you are after your workouts, and I can tell when you're hurting, baby. Why haven't you told me you're still in pain, babe?" Gal asks with tears glistening in her eyes. "Knowing you've been keeping this from me makes me feel like you can't trust or rely on me." She sniffs.

"I'm sorry, baby." Atlas wraps her arms around Gal. "I'm sorry I haven't been honest with you." She wipes Gal's tears. "Since I was cleared by the doctor to start exercising, I've not been as careful as I should've been." She smiles slightly. "It's something in my foot that I fractured."

"We're going to the doctor tomorrow." Gal sits up and grabs her phone.

"Baby, don't be mad." Atlas sighs.

"Atlas, how can I not be mad at you?" Gal looks at Atlas with a pained look in her eyes. "You always tell me to come to you when something's bothering me or if I'm hurting in some way. Why can't you give me the same courtesy? You're my wife and I rely on you for everything. Why can't you do the same?" She stands.

"Where are you going?" Atlas stands.

"I'm going to sleep in our daughter's room because I need space right now." Gal holds a hand up to Atlas. "I love you so much, but if you can't be honest with me then that's a problem."

Atlas falls onto the bed as Gal storms out. She covers her face as starts to cry. "Why do I have to be like this?" She cries. "You get one good thing and you fuck it up just like you always do."


Hello!!! I know it has been awhile since this story has been updated, but don't worry I am still writing very slowly lol. The summer took a lot out of me, but I am finally getting some inspiration to continue. Here's a short chapter to get back into things. I hope you enjoy!! Xxx

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