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<*> 3 Years Later


Atlas smiles as Jordan runs to her and jumps into her arms. "Hi Jordy Bear!" She kisses Jordan's forehead as Gal walks in holding their son. "Hi bubba!" She stands and takes Sabían. "¿Cómo estás, mi hombrecito?" She asks as she kisses her son's cheeks. "And you my love?" She smiles as she looks at Gal.

"I'm doing good." Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas. "We've missed you today." She smiles as she picks Jordan up and kisses her cheeks.

"You act like I'm at the office everyday." Atlas laughs as she sits on the couch in her office with Sabían in her lap.

Gal rolls her eyes as she lets Jordan go. "Are you ready to go home?" She asks.

Atlas chuckles. "I am." She stands and hands Sabían to Gal. "Come on Jordy," She leans down and picks Jordan up. "Let's go!"

Gal smiles as she watches Atlas play with Jordan. Who would've thought I'd be in this situation right? I've been married for 4 years and I have a 3 year old, a 4 month old, and I'm only 36. I married the love of my life and I've got little loves that make my life so full and happy.


Gal shakes her head as she looks at Atlas. "Yes baby?" She smiles as Atlas hugs her.

"Are you okay?" Atlas asks with a concerned look as they stand in the elevator.

"Yes," Gal smiles. "I'm thinking about how happy I am with our life." She sighs.

Atlas smiles as she leans down and kisses Gal. "I love you. And I'm so happy to be going through life with you." She sighs as Gal snuggles into her side. "And you've given me my little ones." She smiles as she kisses Sabian's forehead.

Jordan turns around and smiles as she twists her hands in her momma's shirt. "Momma..."

Atlas smiles as she hands Sabian to Gal. "Yessss..." She picks Jordan up and swings her onto her back as they walk out of the elevator.

" Nosotras vamos a casa?" Jordan asks as she giggles. *Are we going home?*

" Si. ¿Qué quieres hacer cuando lleguemos a casa?" Atlas tickles Jordan as she puts her into the car. *Si. What are you wanting to do when we get home?*

"Quiero jugar con mis muñecas y jugar con Sabian." Jordan says as she gets buckled in. *I want to play with my baby dolls and play with Sabian.*

"¡Ay, qué dulce! ¿Quieres jugar con tu hermanito?" Gal pouts as she puts Sabian in his seat. "That's so sweet, Jordy." *Aw how sweet! You want to play with your baby brother?*

Atlas smiles as she gets into the driver's seat. "You're such a good sister Jordy Bear."

Gal smiles as Jordan starts singing to Sabian. "Let's go home." She looks at Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "Let's go home."


"Momma that's not nice!" Jordan laughs as she pushes Atlas down onto the floor.

"What? Really? I can't tackle you?" Atlas smiles as she sits back up.

"No," Jordan shakes her head as she sits down at her table. "This is a tea party not a football game." She crosses her arms as she looks at her momma.

Gal laughs as she watches this scene play out in front of her. "You tell her, Jordy."

Atlas looks from Gal to Jordan with her mouth wide open. "You know I used to play Soccer and get tackled all the time right?" She looks at Jordan.

Jordan gasps and looks at her momma with wild eyes. "Momma, you played soccer like boys?"

Gal rolls over on the couch laughing as Atlas looks at Jordan in disbelief.

"I'll have you know missy, that girls can play any sport boys can." Atlas says matter of factly.

"I bet you smelled like a boy too." Jordan says as she crinkles her nose.

Atlas' jaw drops as Gal cackles in the background.

"I have no words." Atlas says as she stands.

"I do," Gal stands. "Good one, Jordy." She high-fives Jordan.

"Your mommy and sissy are mean." Atlas says as she lifts Sabian out of his bouncy. "At least I have you bubba." She smiles.

"You have your mini me and I have my mini me." Gal smiles as she hugs Jordan. "We have everything we wanted." She sighs.

"We do." Atlas smiles as she looks down at Sabian. "Now we have to continue living a life they want to continue." She looks at Gal.

Gal smiles as she holds Jordan in her arms. "I agree." She kisses Jordan's cheeks. "Do you wanna do Momma's job when she gets older?" She asks.

"Work at the hotel?" Jordan asks.

"Yes." Gal nods. "Do you want to be in charge of the hotel like Momma?" She asks.

"Yes," Jordan nods as she grabs her baby doll. "I love the hotel." She smiles. "And Abuelo Sabian loved the hotel." She smiles. "I wanna be like him."

Atlas smiles as Jordan walks over and hugs her. "Abuelo Sabí would be so proud of you." She kisses her cheek.

"And you and mommy could come and visit me at the hotel all the time." Jordan smiles. "And Abuela could come with you!"

Gal smiles as she sits next to Atlas. "Sounds like you have your whole life planned out, huh missy?"

Jordan nods as she jumps into her mommy's lap. "Will we always be together?" She asks as she yawns.

"Yes," Atlas says as she pats Sabían's bottom. "We're always gonna be together no matter what." She smiles as Gal kisses her cheek. "Even when me and mommy are old." She chuckles.

Jordan giggles as she snuggles into her mommy's side. "And I'll be with you when you're old." She yawns. "I'll take care of you."

Gal wraps her arms around Jordan and sighs as Atlas pulls a blanket over them. "We're always gonna be together?" She looks at Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "Always."


Thank you all so much for reading this book. I wanted to go a little further, but I was honestly getting burned out. So I believe I ended at a good place. I am working on some new books, so hopefully some of you will stick around and read them when they're published. Again, thank you so much for all the love and support. Xxx

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