Fight this

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A whole week...

Atlas has been in a coma for a whole week.

Gal paces back and forth as she rubs her baby bump. Today she is 36 weeks pregnant. Her doctor told her that baby Jordan could come at any time and since then Gal has been an emotional mess.

Gal stops paces and walks over to Atlas' bedside. She carefully climbs into bed next to Atlas' limp body and lays her head on her chest. She sighs as she hears Atlas' heart thumping against her ear. "Everyone keeps telling me to talk to you and you'll wake up faster, but I'm exhausted." She sniffs.

"We're supposed to be exhausted from preparing for our baby, but we're not." Gal rubs her thumb on Atlas' cheek. "I don't want to have our baby without you." She sniffs. "I don't want to go home and admit to myself that you're here in the hospital and can't come home with me."

Gal sobs as she throws herself against Atlas. "Atlas please come back to me!" She sobs. "You're the strongest person I know, fight this!" She sniffs as wipes her tears. "If you die, I'll die with you." She cries. "I want Jordan to get to know her momma and for you to teach her everything you know." She squeezes Atlas' hand. "Fight this."



Gal jumps as Dr. Quincy shakes her. "What?! What's wrong?!" She sits up.

"Did you fall asleep with Atlas' arm on you?" Dr. Quincy asks.

"No," Gal looks down at Atlas' arm on her leg. "I don't even remember falling asleep." She stands and stretches.

"I wanna show you something." Dr. Quincy smiles as he walks over to the monitors. "Right here, there is a jumó on Atlas' brain activity." He looks at Gal. "Were you talking to her?" He asks.

"I was." Gal nodded.

Dr. Quincy smiles. "You've made a breakthrough." He puts a hand on Gal's shoulder. "She touched you, Gal." He smiles. "She hears you. She knows you're here."

Gal covers her face as she starts to cry. "Thank god."

"Keep doing whatever you're doing." Dr. Quincy smiles. "It's working."


Here's a short update for you all! Thank you so much for the kind messages and comments on the chapters! I'm writing as fast as I can! Thxs xx

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