Once you get comfortable, something always happens.

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<*> *4 wks later* 35wks

"All we have to finish is the roofing on the outside and then we can move in all of your furniture."

Atlas smiles as she looks around her and Gal's new house. "The nursery is done?" She asks.

"Yes, everything is finished."

"Okay," Atlas smiles. "Tomorrow all of the living room furniture is being delivered. Me and Gal will be here to help put everything in their places."

"Sounds good. See you both tomorrow."

"See ya!" Atlas smiles as she climbs into her car. She grabs her phone and immediately calls Gal. "Baby!"

"Hi babe," Gal's happy voice answers.

"The house is done!" Atlas says as she drives. "Tomorrow we can help place all of our living room furniture."

"Yay!" Gal replies happily. "They finished just in time."

"I know," Atlas sighs. "Jordan will have her new room and she'll grow up right next to her Abi." She smiles.

Gal chuckles. "Hurry up and get home."

"Almost there." Atlas smiles. "I love you."

"I love you more." Gal replies. "Be safe."

Atlas smiles to herself as she drives. She has never been in such a happy place in life as she is now.

Atlas thought she would never be happy again after her father died, but now it feels like she's on cloud nine.

Atlas turns into her and Gal's neighborhood as she listens to her music. "What the hell?" She frowns as she sees a mail man blocking the road. She shrugs to herself and takes a side road.

Out of nowhere a huge pickup truck comes flying onto the road and before Atlas can react all she sees is darkness.


Lana rubs Gal's back as she stares into space. She subconsciously wipes Gal's tears as she holds her in her arms.

Gal sniffs as she watches the heart monitor.

"Mrs. Ramirez?"

Gal sniffs as she sits up and wipes her face. "Yes?"

"Atlas has sustained a concussion, broken left ankle, and multiple fractured ribs, but she should make a full recovery." The doctor smiles.

"When will she wake up?" Lana asks.

"That's up to her." The doctor sighs. "Her stats are looking really good, but I can't say when I think she'll wake up because it's up to her." He sighs.

Gal squeezes Atlas' hand as Lana and the doctor talk. She tunes them out as she looks at all the machines keeping track of her wife's condition. "You've always been a fighter," She kisses Atlas' hand. "You're gonna fight this."


I've been fighting writers block really bad for the last couple of months, but I'm finally starting to get some inspiration and motivation to write. This chapter is short, but expect some longer ones in the up coming weeks, thank you for sticking with me. Xx

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