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"You're getting too big." Atlas smiles as she feeds Jordan. "Sitting up and eating in your high chair..." She makes a funny face and Jordan smiles at her. "8 Months old and ready to take on the world." She shakes her head as Gal walks into the Kitchen.

"What are you two talking about?" Gal smiles as she jumps up onto the counter next to Atlas.

"Say, Mommy, we're eating my applesauce and banana squash baby food and talking about how big I am." Atlas smiles as she gives Jordan another spoonful.

"Awe," Gal smiles as she kisses Atlas' cheek. "Our baby is growing up on us." She pouts.

Atlas nods as she kisses Gal. "Ready for this dinner tonight?" She asks.

"I am actually." Gal smiles. "I haven't seen my sister in years and I want her to properly meet you and meet my daughter." She smiles. "Dana is my baby sister and I love her with everything in me and when she started doing drugs and hanging with the wrong crowd she disappointed me. And she knows that." She sighs. "I'm ready to have a relationship with my sister again."

"I want you to have a relationship with Dana." Atlas says as she hugs Gal. "And she really needs us right now. She's going through a lot and needs all the support from her family." She smiles. "I'm glad she's coming tonight."

"Me too baby." Gal smiles. "And you," She picks Jordan up. "Are you ready to meet your Aunt Dana?" She asks as she turns and starts walking up the stairs.

"I'm gonna clean up down here if you're gonna put her down for her nap." Atlas calls.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna get the guest room ready." Gal responds.

Atlas smiles. "Sounds good!"


"Baby, I want you to answer the door when your parents and sister get here." Atlas yells from the bathroom.

Gal frowns as she dresses Jordan in light gray footies. "Why do you want me to get the door?" She asks.

"Because I feel like I'm going to be awkward." Atlas mumbles as she brushes her teeth.

Gal chuckles as she sits Jordan in the middle of bed and starts getting dressed. "Baby, you aren't going to be awkward."

"I've never met your sister in person. We have a text relationship." Atlas says as she walks into the bedroom.

"Are you nervous to meet my sister?" Gal asks with a laugh.

"Yes." Atlas nods as Gal wraps her arms around her neck. "I want her to like me."

"Baby," Gal smiles. "She has to like you, you're her sister in law. There's no getting rid of you."

Atlas nods. "You're right." She lets go of Gal and starts getting dressed. "This is our house." She shrugs.

"And if she disrespects us she'll be kicked out." Gal says as she pulls her shirt on.

Atlas nods as she pulls on some joggers and a shirt. "Okay," She smiles as she picks Jordan up. "Me and Jordy will be downstairs."

"Okay," Gal smiles as she walks into the bathroom to put some makeup on. She hopes Dana and Atlas will get along, but she knows they're very similar and the chances of them actually getting along are slim.

Dana has had a really hard time in life, but Gal doesn't let her little sister walk all over her like her parents do. Dana is a manipulator. If she doesn't get what she wants she'll fight you for it. When she started doing drugs things progressed and got way worse. She started fighting with Gal and her parents and eventually Irit and Michael had to kick Dana out.

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