May I?

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Atlas sighs as she walks onto Gal's front porch. She knocks and looks herself over as she waits for Gal to open the door. She smiles as the door opens and she sees Gal. "Hello beautiful."

Gal shakes her head as she let's Atlas in. "You're always complimenting me." She smiles.

Atlas takes her sneakers off and smiles as she looks at Gal. "Can I do something I've wanted to do since the day I met you?" She asks.

"Sure," Gal smiles as she looks up at Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist and pulls her against her.

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas's neck. "You've been wanting to put your hands on me," She laughs.

Atlas smiles as she looks down at Gal. "Every time I walk into your class and I see you I just want to pin you against the wall and makeout with you."

Gal lets out a shaky breath as she looks up at Atlas. "That's hot."

Atlas smiles as she lifts Gal up. "That's what I say every time I look at you."

Gal smiles as she wraps her legs around Atlas's waist. "What have you wanted to do to me?" She asks as Atlas puts her back against the wall.

"This," Atlas leans forward and kisses Gal.

Gal sighs as she holds Atlas's face and makes out with her. She moans as Atlas slides her tongue into her mouth.

Atlas smirks as she kisses up Gal's neck. "What are you cooking for me?" She mumbles as she kisses Gal's jaw.

"I can't think of cooking right now," Gal says breathlessly.

Atlas smiles as she stops kissing Gal and looks at her. "I'm hungry." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas's face. "You're lucky you're cute."

Atlas smiles as she sets Gal down. "I'll help you."

Gal smiles as she holds Atlas's hand and leads her into the kitchen. "We're going to make lemon, asparagus, and chicken pasta." She smiles.

Atlas smiles as she looks at all the ingredients. "You like to cook don't you?" She asks as she washes her hands.

"I do," Gal smiles as she hands Atlas a towel. "Tell me about your family." She smiles as she starts making the seasoning for the chicken while Atlas starts cutting the asparagus.

"Well," Atlas smiles. "I told you all of my brothers are named after places my parents have visited right?" She asks.

"Yes, but you didn't tell me their names." Gal smiles.

"Oh," Atlas laughs. "There's Nile, Aspen, Milan, Roman, Rhodes, Orlando, and me." She sighs.

"So you're the youngest and the only girl in your family?" Gal asks.

"Yes," Atlas smiles.

"What's your parents names?" Gal asks.

"Sabian and Lana Ramirez." Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "What do all of your big brothers do?" She asks.

"Nile is a lawyer," Atlas rolls her eyes. "Aspen is the head of pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Miami." She smiles.

"Oh wow," Gal smiles as she seasons the chicken.

"Milan is a music therapy therapist." Atlas smiles. "He helps special needs kids advance with their learning."

"Awe," Gal smiles as Atlas helps her put the chicken in the oven.

"Roman is touring with...." Atlas hums. "Oh, Roman is touring with Dua Lipa right now." She smiles.

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