You're going to ruin me

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Atlas groans as she feels warmth pull away from her. "Why are you leaving me?" She mumbles.

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas's neck. "I have to get ready for work." She kisses Atlas.

Atlas groans. "What time is your first class?" She asks as she pushes Gal's hair out of her face.

"8 am," Gal yawns.

Atlas looks at the clock and groans. "Is it really 6 am?" She asks.

"Yes," Gal smiles as she pulls away from Atlas and walks into her bathroom. "I know you have an 8 am class too," She peeks her head out of the bathroom as she takes her shirt off. "If you come shower with me we can ride to school together." She smirks.

Atlas smiles as she jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom. "You're way better than any alarm I've ever had."

2:45 pm==================================================Tozzer Building

"Thank you for staying a few minutes later everyone," Gal smiles as her students pack their things. "See you all tomorrow." She sits at her desk and grabs her purse. She smiles as she glances up and sees Atlas standing in front of her. "Can I help you?" She asks.

Atlas yawns. "Yes." She rubs her eyes.

Gal smiles as she grabs her purse and stands. "Come on," She extends a hand to Atlas as she walks out of the back door of her lecture hall. "Nap time?" She asks as she unlocks her car.

"Yes," Atlas groans as she sits in the passenger seat.

Gal smiles as she reaches over and grabs Atlas's hand. "Bad day?" She asks as she starts to drive.

"Professor Gonzalez is up my ass." Atlas groans.

"He's up everyone's ass." Gal smiles.

Atlas sighs as she holds Gal's hand up to her face. "How do you teach college students?" She asks.

Gal smiles as Atlas places her hand so she's holding her face. "It's a challenge." She sighs. "But it has the greatest rewards." She smiles as she rubs her thumb on Atlas's cheek. She looks at Atlas as she stops at a stop light. "My poor baby." She pouts as she leans over and kisses Atlas. "Want me to stay for a little while and cuddle you?" She asks.

"Yes," Atlas nods.

Gal smiles. "You are going to ruin me."

Atlas covers her face with Gal's hand. "Why do you say that?" She asks.

"You are making it harder and harder to stay away from you." Gal smiles as Atlas looks at her through her fingers. "But I'm not complaining."

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "I'm not complaining either."

I decided to upload another chapter... enjoy! ;)

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