The little baby in my belly

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"Baby!" Gal calls as she walks into her and Atlas' apartment.

"Babe?" Atlas frowns as she walks out of their bedroom.

"Why are you frowning?" Gal asks as she walks up to Atlas and puts her arms around her neck.

"I was trying to clean the shower." Atlas smiles. "You know how focused I get when I'm working on something." She wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "What's got you so happy?" She asks.

Gal giggles as she hugs Atlas. "We get to make a baby on the 18th."

"Really?" Atlas smiles widely as she hugs Gal. "Oh my gosh babe, we're gonna be mommy's!!"

Gal chuckles as Atlas kisses her. "We're gonna have a baby right after we get married." She smiles as Atlas gazes down at her.

"I love you so much!" Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal.

Gal sighs as Atlas kisses her neck. "Speaking of our wedding," She pushes Atlas back and smiles at the pout on her face. "You need to pick who you want to be with you up at the altar."

Atlas groans as Gal kisses her. "Do I have to?" She asks.

"Yes!" Gal chuckles as she walks into the Living Room. "I picked my sister Dana to be my Maid of Honor." She sighs as she sits on the couch.

"I don't have any girlfriends." Atlas says as she sits next to Gal.

"I didn't say it had to be a woman." Gal grabs Atlas' hand. "What about Frankie?" She asks.

"Oh my god!" Atlas jumps up. "You're right!" She runs and grabs her phone off the counter. "Frankie will freak out knowing he can wear a dress if he wants!"

Gal smiles as Atlas sits down next to her again. "You're cute when you're excited."

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "Tell me what else you have planned for the wedding." She chuckles as Gal grabs her laptop.

"I have a pinterest list." Gal smiles. "So I was thinking about the Maldives and I think we should go there for our honeymoon and get married here."

"Really?" Atlas smiles. "What were you thinking?" She asks as she puts an arm around Gal.

"I was thinking of a green theme." Gal says as she types on her laptop. "Like Evergreen." She smiles as she looks at Atlas. "And I want a big wedding. I want everyone to know that I'm marrying you."

Atlas smiles as she pecks Gal on the lips. "I like this." She rubs Gal's back. "Tell me more."


"I want everything to compliment the forest around us." Gal says as she talks to Dana on the phone. "Me and Atlas also decided to have more groomsmen and bridesmaids."

Atlas smiles as she walks into Gal's lecture hall and hear's her talking on the phone.

"All of her brothers are going to be her groomsmen." Gal smiles as she glances up and sees Atlas. "Yep, I need five more bridesmaids." She sighs as Atlas wraps her arms around her waist.

"If you don't make Rotem one of your bridesmaids, I'm gonna be very mad." Atlas mumbles as she kisses Gal's cheek.

Gal rolls her eyes as she glances at Atlas. "Yes Dana, Rotem, Meital, all the girls." She smiles as Atlas starts to sway with her in her arms. "Yes I'll send you all of the color swatches." She hums as Atlas kisses her neck. "I love you too, bye Dana."

Atlas smiles as Gal turns around in her arms. "Was I distracting?" She asks.

"Very." Gal sighs as she rests her forehead against Atlas'. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She asks.

Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's forehead. "We're making a baby tomorrow." She chuckles as Gal smiles at her. "I'm so excited!"

Gal nervously hugs Atlas as she sighs. "I want a baby so bad."

"We're gonna have one." Atlas says as she rubs Gal's back. "I know we are." She sways as Gal holds onto her. "I think we're gonna have a little girl. And she'll have your beautiful smile and my eyes."

Gal smiles against Atlas as they sway.

"She'll be so tall." Atlas chuckles. "All of the boys will be jealous of how tall she is." She smiles as Gal pulls back and looks at her. "She'll be confident, brave, and strong... just like her mommy and momma."

Gal smiles as she gazes at Atlas. "God, I want her already."

"We'll get her baby," Atlas kisses Gal's forehead. "We'll get her."


"Are you comfortable?" Atlas asks Gal for the 10th time as she sits in the exam room.

"Baby, I'm fine." Gal smiles as she holds Atlas' hand. "I'm very comfortable actually. This chair is really comfortable."

Atlas nods as she anxiously bounces her leg.

"Hey," Gal kisses Atlas' hand. "I need you right now. Okay?" She smiles.

Atlas smiles as Dr. Hans walks into the room.

"Are we ready to make a baby?" Dr. Hans smiles as she pulls on a pair of gloves.

"We're ready." Atlas smiles as she kisses Gal's hand.

"Okay." Dr. Hans smiles. "Ready Gal?" She asks as she grabs her equipment.

"Yes." Gal nods.

Dr. Hans smiles as she starts the procedure. "Okay Gal, you'll feel a little bit of pressure."

Atlas tenses at Gal squeezes her hand. "Okay baby?" She asks.

"All done." Dr. Hans smiles as she takes her gloves off.

"That's it?" Gal asks, shocked.

"Yep." Dr. Hans smiles. "I'm gonna set a timer for 15 minutes and once it goes off you may leave." She smiles as she sets the timer. "Just elevate your legs."

"Thank Dr. Hans." Atlas smiles as she shakes her hand.

"Of course!" Dr. Hans smiles as she leaves.

Gal chuckles as Atlas holds her legs up for her. "You're so helpful." She smiles.

Atlas shrugs as she holds Gal's legs up. "I figure I need to help out a little bit." She smiles.

Gal laughs as Atlas runs her fingers up and down her legs. "I love you."

"I love you more." Atlas smiles. "And the little baby in your belly." She kisses Gal's belly.

Gal smiles as she puts her hands in Atlas' hair. "The little baby in my belly."

Hello all! I want to know what type of stories you want to read! I'm trying to figure out my next story so I can start working on it a little bit. Thanks xx

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