Goodnight baby

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Atlas smiles as she looks into Gal's class room and sees her sitting at her desk typing on her computer. "It's lunch time." She scroffs as she walks into the lecture hall. "Why aren't you off getting lunch?" She asks.

Gal smiles as she looks up from her computer. "Hi," She giggles as Atlas sneakily pecks her on the lips. "I haven't had time to go get food." She sighs as Atlas pulls up a chair and sits across from her.

Atlas turns her head sideways and looks at Gal. "Are you hungry?" She asks.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "I'll be fine." She turns her attention back towards her computer.

Atlas sighs as she opens her backpack and digs around in it. "Here," She throws a Kind bar onto the desk. "I can't have you in a bad mood." She smiles.

Gal smiles as she picks up the Kind bar. "Thank you," She looks at Atlas. "Come here."

Atlas smiles as she stands and kneels next to Gal. "Miss me?" She asks as Gal rubs her thumb on her cheek.

"Yes," Gal smiles. "I've realized I don't like sleeping by myself." She laughs.

Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's chin and kisses her. "I don't like sleeping by myself either."

Gal smiles as Atlas holds her hand. "Have any plans later?" She asks.

"Nope," Atlas shakes her head.

"I don't leave here until later," Gal looks Atlas in the eyes. "Can I stop by?" She asks.

"You don't have to ask to come see me," Atlas smiles. "You're always welcome."

Gal smiles as Atlas kisses her nose. "I'll bring dinner."

8:00 pm=================================Atlas's Apartment - Cambridge, Mass.

"Be nice to Gal when she gets here," Atlas smiles as she kisses Zeus, her great danes, head as she sits on the couch with him. She smiles as she hears a knock at the door. "Be nice Zeus." She points as she stands and walks to the front door. She opens the door and smiles as she looks at Gal. "Still so beautiful even after a 12 hour day."

Gal shakes her head as Atlas lets her into her apartment. "You down played your apartment way too much." She gasps as she sets their food on the counter.

Atlas smiles as she wraps her arms around Gal's waist. "My parents spoil me." She kisses Gal. "You look stressed." She rubs Gal's back.

"I'm exhausted." Gal sighs. "And before you say I should've gone home," She smiles. "I wanted to be with you." She hugs Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she holds Gal against her. "We can watch a movie and relax." She kisses Gal's forehead. "Oh," She pulls away from Gal. "I have a surprise." She walks away from Gal and down a hallway.

"What kind of surprise?" Gal asks as she takes her heels off.

"I forgot about someone who's important to me." Atlas yells as she walks back into the Living room.

"Oh," Gal frowns as Atlas stands next to her.

"I hope you like animals," Atlas smiles as she kneels. "Come Zeus," She calls.

Gal smiles as a huge grey great dane runs towards Atlas.

"Sit Zeus," Atlas commands.

Zeus sits in front Atlas and looks up at her.

"Good boy," Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "Gal, this is Zeus."

"Hi Zeus," Gal kneels and pets him. "He's beautiful." She smiles.

"He was my 20th birthday present." Atlas smiles. "And he's the best boy ever." She says in a baby voice as she pets Zeus.

Zeus pushes Atlas over and lays in her lap.

"He thinks he's still a puppy," Atlas groans as she pushes Zeus off of her.

Gal smiles as Atlas stands back up. "He's adorable."

Atlas smiles as she grabs Gal's waist and kisses her. "What did you bring for us to eat?" She asks.

Gal smiles. "Chinese."

11:00 pm===============================================Atlas's Apartment

Atlas sighs as she holds Gal as she sleeps. She turns the TV off and carefully slides her arm under Gal's legs and she stands. She carefully carries Gal into her bedroom. She pulls the covers back on her bed and lays Gal down. "Shhh," She smiles as Gal stirs. "Go back to sleep baby."

Gal smiles as she pulls on Atlas's arms. "Lay with me." She mumbles with her eyes closed.

"I was going to take this tight dress off of you." Atlas smiles.

Gal opens her eyes and stands up. "Unzip me."

Atlas smiles as she unzips Gal's dress and she slips out of it. "No bra?" She asks as she hands Gal one of her shirts.

Gal shakes her head no as she takes her thong off and puts a pair of Atlas's boxers on and climbs back into the bed.

Atlas shakes her head as she takes her shirt and jeans off. She walks around the bed and climbs in next to Gal. "Come here,"

Gal throws one of her legs over Atlas's as she lays her head on her chest. She sighs as Atlas rubs her back. "Good night baby."

Atlas kisses Gal's forehead. "Good night."


I hope you enjoyed!

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