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Atlas yawns as she lays in the grass in front of the Anthropology Building.

"Why are you always so tired?" Frankie, Atlas's best friend, asks as he looks down at Atlas.

"My parents have been waning me to help them with some things on the hotel website." Atlas yawns.

Frankie nods. "Huh," He stands. "Mommy and Daddy ask their baby girl to work for them." He says in an annoying tone.

Atlas sighs as she stands. "They are driving me crazy." She huffs as they walk into the Anthropology building. "Siempre me hacen hacer cosas para el hotel y tengo miedo de decirles." She groans as she stands next to Gal's lecture hall. *They always make me do things for the hotel and I'm afraid to tell them no.*

Frankie smiles as he looks past Atlas. "You must be Professor Gadot."

Atlas turns and sees Gal standing behind her as Frankie shakes her hand.

"I am," Gal smiles as she shakes Frankie's hand. "And you are?" She asks.

"I'm Frankie," Frankie smiles. "Atlas's best friend."

Gal smiles. "You're talking about me aren't you?" She looks at Atlas.

Frankie laughs. "Oh my god, she won't shut up a-"

Atlas laughs as she covers Frankie's mouth. "Cállate la boca." She death glares Frankie. *Shut the fuck up.*

Frankie laughs. "I have a class to get to," He pulls away from Atlas. "See you later Lassy." He kisses Atlas's cheek as he runs off.

Atlas groans as she looks at Gal. "Don't look at me like that."

Gal laughs as she walks into her lecture hall. "You're cute when you get flustered." She smiles as she stands in front of her desk.

Atlas stands in front of Gal and smiles as she has to look down at her. "You aren't wearing any shoes." She laughs.

"Having to wear stilettos all the time makes my feet hurt." Gal smiles. "I'm just resting my feet."

Atlas smiles. "I'm taller then you when you aren't wearing heels." She smirks as she takes a step closer to Gal.

Gal smiles as she looks up at Atlas. "How tall are you?" She asks.

"6 foot." Atlas smiles.

Gal smiles. "Are you seeing anyone?" She asks as she sits on her desk.

"No," Atlas smiles as she steps closer to Gal. "I decided to stop dating after my last relationship."

"Why?" Gal asks as Atlas sets her bag down and rests her hands on either side of her thighs.

"The last person I dated cheated on me." Atlas looks Gal in the eyes.

"Oh," Gal sighs as she looks at Atlas.

"So I pushed aside dating." Atlas sighs.

"So you aren't open to the idea?" Gal asks.

Atlas smiles as she looks down at Gal. "I never said I wasn't open to the idea." She stands up straight.

Gal smiles as she looks up at Atlas. "Hmm," She nods. "Noted."

Atlas shakes her head as she walks over to her seat and sits. "How old are you?" She asks.

Gal smiles as she stands and walks closer to Atlas. "34." She whispers as some students walk in.

Atlas smirks as Gal walks back over to her desk. "Noted."


Here's chapter 2! Let me know what you think!

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