Jordan Sky Ramirez

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"Please take all of these boxes down to the end of the hallway and to your left." Atlas instructs the movers as she starts putting away all of the new pots and pans in the Kitchen.

Gal walks out into the Kitchen with a frown on her face as she watches all of the movers carry boxes past her.

"Good Morning sleepy head." Atlas smiles as she walks up to Gal and kisses her.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Gal mumbles as she rubs her eyes.

"You looked cute." Atlas smiles as Gal holds onto her. "Are you feeling a little better?" She asks.

Gal shrugs. "I haven't tried to eat anything yet, so I don't know yet."

Atlas smiles as she sees her mom and dad walk into her house. "Hi mami and papi!"

Gal smiles as Lana gives her a big hug. "Hi Lana!"

"Hi beautiful." Lana smiles. "How are you feeling today?" She asks.

Gal shrugs. "I feel fine now, but I haven't eaten yet." She smiles.

"That's why we brought food." Sabian smiles as he sets a bag full of takeout plates on the counter.

"Your first appointment is tomorrow right?" Lana asks.

"Tomorrow morning." Gal smiles as she takes her plate from Atlas. "I'm excited."

"Me too." Atlas smiles as she helps her dad. "Sit down Papi, I've got it."

Sabian sighs as he sits next to Gal. "How is my granddaughter?" He asks.

Gal chuckles. "I'm having a girl?" She smiles.

"Oh yes." Sabian smiles.

Gal smiles as she looks at Atlas. "What do you think we should name her?" She asks as she leans against Atlas.

Sabian takes a bite of his food as he thinks. "Something that goes with both of your names." He mumbles.

"Because both of their names have something to do with earth and the elements?" Lana asks.

Sabian nods as he eats. "Something Israeli..." He thinks.

Atlas smiles as she watches her dad. "You're looking really good today, Papi." She takes a bite of her food.

"It's because he's completely changed his diet." Lana kisses Sabian's cheek.

"Jordan." Sabian smiles.

"What?" Gal asks.

"Her name should be Jordan." Sabian smiles. "Isn't there a river in Israel called the Jordan river?" He asks.

"Yes there is." Gal smiles.

"And doesn't your name mean riverbank?" Sabian asks.

"Yes it does." Gal smiles.

"And Atlas, your name means to carry. And Atlas the titan, carries the whole world." Sabian smiles. "So, how about Jordan Sky Ramirez?" He looks at Gal and Atlas with a questioning expression.

"I love it!" Gal smiles.

"Papi," Atlas smiles as she hugs her dad. "It's a beautiful name." She kisses his cheek.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Gal asks as she hugs Sabian.

"Gut feeling." Sabian smiles as he hugs Gal. "Now take care of my Jordan."

"I will Papi," Gal smiles. "I promise!"


"Everything is looking really good." Dr. Knox smiles. "You're around 7 weeks."

Gal smiles as Atlas helps her sit up. "Thank you so much Dr. Knox."

"I'll see you both in 4 weeks." Dr. Knox smiles as she shakes Atlas' hand.

"Thank you!" Atlas calls as she and Gal walk out of the exam room. "That went really well."

"It did." Gal smiles as they walk towards their car. "We're going to wait a few more weeks before telling anymore people."

"Sounds good to me." Atlas says as she starts the car and drives out of the parking lot.

Gal smiles as she leans over and kisses Atlas on the cheek. "My parents are coming in next week."

"I know." Atlas smiles as she squeezes Gal's thigh. "What are you going to do while I'm working?" She asks.

"I don't know." Gal shrugs. "Maybe come hangout with you." She smiles as she lays her head on Atlas' shoulder.

"I would like that." Atlas smiles. "You can come to the hotel anytime you like."

"I'm excited to have some time to myself." Gal sighs. "I haven't had time for me in awhile."

"I know." Atlas smiles. "I'm excited for you." She kisses Gal's hand.

"Can I start on the nursery?" Gal asks suddenly.

"Of course!" Atlas smiles as she pulls into their driveway. "You can do whatever you want." She sighs as she looks at Gal. "I have to go to work."

"I know you do." Gal sighs as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck.

"I'll be home at 5." Atlas kisses Gal. "Please let me know if you decide to go anywhere." She smiles.

"I will." Gal smiles as she climbs out of the car. "I love you."

"I love you more!" Atlas waves as she drives away.

Gal sighs as she walks into the house and sees all of their boxes in the living room. "I guess I could unpack all of this and make our living room actually look like a living room."

For the next several hours Gal unpacked boxes and arranged the living room to her liking. She eventually made her way into the bedroom next to her and Atlas'. She frowns as she looks at the blank walls.

"What would you like in here?" Gal rubs her flat stomach. She sighs as she walks out of the bedroom and into her and Atlas'. She sits on their bed and grabs her laptop. "Let's start finding you some stuff, baby."

Gal reclines on the bed as she looks at pictures of nurseries on Pinterest. After awhile her eyes start to droop so she puts her laptop aside.

Gal sighs as she sinks into her pillows and falls asleep.

A few hours later Atlas walks into her and Gal's house. She sighs as she sets her backpack on the counter. She stretches her arms above her head as she walks up stairs. She walks into their bedroom and stops in her tracks as she sees Gal fast asleep on their bed. She smiles to herself and quietly changes out of her work clothes. She walks out of their closet and carefully claims into bed next to Gal. "Hi baby." She whispers as she kisses Gal's cheek.

"Babe?" Gal mumbles half asleep as she turns in Atlas' arms.

"Keep sleeping baby." Atlas says as she yawns. "I would like to nap with you."

Gal sighs as she lays her head on Atlas' chest. "Okay."

Atlas closes her eyes as she holds Gal. "Let's sleep while we can."


Kinda short update for you all... :)

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