Happy Birthday Baby

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"I want you all to know that for the rest of this week you will have a sub teaching for me." Gal smiles. "So please treat Professor Gates with your utmost respect." She smiles. "I will see you all on Monday."

"Where are you going, might I ask." Waylin, one of Gal's students asks as everyone gathers their things to leave.

"I'm taking my girlfriend out of town for her birthday," Gal smiles as she points at Atlas standing in the corner.

"Awe," A bunch of students smile.

Atlas smiles as she walks over to Gal.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asks as he puts his backpack on.

"I was born in Miami and I own a house there, so we're gonna go spend some time in the sun." Atlas smiles as Gal puts an arm around her.

"So I will be coming back tanned and happy." Gal smiles as she turns and starts gathering her things.

"How long have you and Professor Gadot been dating?" One of Gal's students asks Atlas.

"Eight months on November 1st," Atlas smiles. "Been the best eight months of my life." She smiles as Gal wraps her arms around her waist.

"And you just graduated in May?" A student asks.

"Yes," Atlas smiles. "So I know what it's like to have Gal as a teacher." She smiles at Gal. "You're all in good hands."

Gal smiles. "And before any of you ask, no she didn't get special treatment because we started dating."

Atlas laughs. "I had to do all the work you all are doing." She smiles. "No handouts for me."


"I'm ready to relax and have tons of sex." Gal mumbles as she hugs Atlas.

Atlas smiles as she hugs Gal. "We're seeing my parents on my birthday and the day we leave. That's it."

Gal laughs as Atlas kisses her. "So we aren't going to leave the house the whole time we're there?" She asks.

"That's my plan." Atlas smiles. "I just want to be with you and Zeus all week."

Gal smiles as Atlas hands their plane tickets to the flight attendant. "You're such a homebody."


"Thank you," Atlas smiles as she hands the Uber driver her and Gal's luggage. She pats the backseat and Zues hops up. "Sit," She yawns as she climbs in and closes the door.

"Happy Birthday baby," Gal smiles as she grabs Atlas' hand and squeezes it.

Atlas smiles as the Uber driver starts driving. "You're the best birthday present ever."

Gal smiles as Atlas rests a hand on her thigh. "Do you want part of your present when we get to the house?" She asks.

Atlas looks at Gal with a smirk. "Does this part of my gift involve me putting my head between your thighs?" She whispers.

Gal smirks. "Ahuh," She nods.

"Say no more," Atlas sits up straight and leans forward. "If you can get us to our destination in the next 15 minutes, I will pay you $200 cash."


"Fuck," Atlas mumbles as she flips onto her stomach.

"Tell me about it," Gal groans as she stretches.

"I don't think I've ever fucked so hard." Atlas mumbles as she covers her head with the covers.

"It was so worth it." Gal sighs as she stands and stretches. "We have to be at your parents house by 12:15." She says as she walks into the bathroom.

Atlas groans. "Don't remind me."

Gal smiles as she steps out of the bathroom and pulls her hair up. "Don't be a grumpy birthday girl," She pulls the covers off of Atlas.

Atlas smiles as Gal kisses her cheek. "I love my family, but I love my life away from them more."

Gal smiles as Atlas turns over and kisses her. "I know what you mean." She smiles as Atlas sits up. "It's only one week."

Atlas sighs as she holds Gal against her. "Only one week."


Ha! I forgot to post this chapter... well, I hope you all enjoy it!! XD

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