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"Look at you," Atlas smiles as she holds Jordan in her arms. "I bet you're happy to be out of that stuffy hospital." She kisses Jordan's cheek.

"I like waking up to this," Gal mumbles.

Atlas looks up at Gal and smiles. "I've never been as happy as I am right now."

Gal smiles as Atlas pecks her on the lips. "I love you."

Atlas winks as she looks down at Jordan. "I'm so happy we didn't have to stay in the hospital another night." She presses kisses to Gal's forehead. "Have your parents texted you?" She asks.

Gal shakes her head as she snuggles into Atlas' side. "They'll probably just knock." She yawns as she closes her eyes.

Atlas nods as she shifts Jordan onto the bed between her and Gal. "Are you hungry?" She asks as she slowly stands.

"Ahuh." Gal mumbles.

Atlas chuckles as she shifts Jordan closer to Gal. "I'm gonna go down and cook, Jordan is right next to you."

"Okay baby," Gal opens her eyes and looks up at Atlas. "Kiss"

Atlas shakes her head as she leans down and kisses Gal. "Be right back." She smiles.

Atlas walks down stairs and into the kitchen. She starts a pot of coffee and jumps as she hears someone knock at the front door. She walks over to the front door and smiles as she sees Gal's parents. "Good Morning," she smiles as she opens the door.

"Hi Atlas," Irit smiles as she hugs Atlas.

"Hello," Atlas shakes Michael's hand.

"Where is Gal?" Irit asks.

"She's upstairs," Atlas smiles. "I was just about to start cooking breakfast, let me go get her."

"We'll be in the Living Room." Irit smiles.

Atlas runs upstairs. She smiles as she sees Gal fast asleep with Jordan laying on her chest. "Baby," She whispers.

Gal groans as she shifts. "What is it babe?" She rubs her eyes.

"Your parents are here," Atlas smiles. "It's time to get up."

Gal sighs. "Will you take the baby?" She asks.

"Of course," Atlas leans down and picks Jordan up. She cradles Jordan in her arms as Gal stands.

Gal slides her slippers on as she puts her robe on.

"Come on love," Atlas grabs Gal's hand as they walk down stairs.

"There's my beautiful daughter," Irit smiles as she stands and hugs Gal.

"Hi momma," Gal says tiredly.

"You sound tired," Michael jokes as he hugs Gal.

"You have no idea," Gal smiles as she pulls away from her father. "Here is your granddaughter," She smiles as she turns and takes Jordan from Atlas.

Michael smiles as he looks down at his granddaughter. "She's beautiful."

Irit smiles as she leans over Michaels arm. "She's so tiny."

Gal smiles as Atlas wraps her arms around her waist and holds her. "Mom, do you think you and dad could watch Jordan after we eat breakfast?" She asks.

"Of course," Irit smiles. "Do you want to sleep some more?" She smirks.

"Yes," Gal yawns.

Atlas chuckles as she kisses Gal's cheek. "Come help me cook." She pulls Gal with her.

Gal grabs the eggs from the fridge as Atlas stands next to the stove. "Here," She cuddles into Atlas' side.

Atlas smiles as she puts an arm around Gal. "I can tell you're very tired." She mumbles as she starts cooking.

"How can you tell?" Gal asks.

"You're very clingy when you're sleepy." Atlas smiles as Gal looks up at her. "I love when you're like this."

Gal smiles as she wraps her arms around Atlas' neck and buries her head into her shoulder. "I'm gonna go pump." She kisses Atlas. "I love you."

"I love you more." Atlas smiles as Gal pulls away from her.

"I love watching you two together."

Atlas smiles as Michael walks into the Kitchen and stands next to her. "Why?" She asks.

"Gal is very comfortable with you. She doesn't hide anything." Michael smiles. "I've never seen her like that with anyone."

"Not even you or Irit?" Atlas asks.

"No," Michael shakes his head. "I'm glad you and her are together." He sighs. "I don't have to worry about her."

Atlas smiles as she looks at Michael. "I'm glad I can ease your mind when it comes to worrying about Gal."

"If only you could ease my mind with Dana." Michael smiles.

Atlas shrugs. "Dana is completely opposite to Gal." She crosses her arms. "Dana isn't a relationship person and you can tell. She likes having fun."

"I know," Michael sighs. "She's too free spirited for her own good." He looks at Atlas. "She's a lot like you."

Atlas chuckles. "I thought I was like Dana, but I fell in love." She glances at Gal. "Give her time." She lays a hand on Michaels shoulder. "She'll come around. Let her have her fun."

Michael sighs. "I hope you're right Atlas, I hope you're right."


"Hi sleepy head." Gal smiles as she holds Jordan. "Are you hungry?" She asks as she lifts her shirt. "Mommy's boobies are hurting." She winces as she lifts Jordan to her chest.

"Are you hurting?" Atlas asks as she walks out of the bathroom drying her hair.

"My boobs are hurting." Gal whimpers as Jordan starts to eat.

Atlas walks over to Gal and sits next to her. "Baby, you don't have to breastfeed if you don't want to."

"I want to." Gal sniffs as she tears up. "It's just all new to me right now." She smiles as Atlas kisses her cheek. "I'll be okay."

Atlas nods. "Okay."

Gal watches Atlas walk back into the bathroom. She sighs as she watches Jordan eat. "You sound like your momma when she eats." She chuckles.

"What's so funny?" Atlas smiles as she walks back over to Gal and sits.

"She sounds like you when you eat." Gal smiles.

Atlas laughs as she climbs into bed and turns the tv on. "As she should." She smiles as she looks at Gal. "When she finishes you should go shower babe."

Gal nods. "A shower sounds so nice." She smiles as Atlas kisses her. "I like when you give me kisses out of nowhere."

Atlas smiles as she rubs Gal's thigh. "Gotta show you my affection somehow."

Gal rolls her eyes as she lifts Jordan. "Burp your daughter."

Atlas chuckles as she takes Jordan and burps her. "Go shower stinky."

Gal looks at Atlas with a shocked face as she stands. "I do not stink." She crosses her arms. "You're the one who smells like a stinky teenage boy."

Atlas smiles as she looks at Gal. "I love you." She laughs.

Gal shakes her head as she walks away from Atlas. "You annoy me, but I love you."

Atlas smiles. "You love me because I annoy you."

"Hahaha." Gal fake laughs. "You're right."

Atlas smiles. "Your mommy is a very funny woman." She looks down at Jordan. "Hopefully you get my sense of humor and not hers."

Update!!! I hope you all are enjoying this story! Thank you for voting on the chapters and continuing to read. I'm hoping to maybe go to 50 chapters... we'll see. Much love xxx

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